I need a drink and some tequila with you

You know what I'm trying to do

Hey, let's pop the E off at Liv
I've got some time here to blow

I've got the money to blow, I've got the money and blow

Don't have to guess how I know

Oh, it's a secret, trust me, I'll keep it

You old niggas boring as bones

You put the PARTY tape on

You know what's going on, you know what's going on

She keep it wet like tsunami

She think she sunk the Titanic

I get her hot like Wasabi

She think it's wavy and gnarly

I think I'mma pop one for you

Drink one **** you

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach

Still in Miami, most of these girls are too messy

I've got to do some reflecting

I've got to find me one out here that is good at taking direction

I am convinced that my calls are being recorded

So hit my assistant to get me the message

And make the connection like brrrrr

I'm on that wave tonight, I hope you not the crazy type, yeah

I'm in your state tonight, I might just break the bank tonight, yeah

PND ain't with the ray tay, you know Jay Wray

Got girls here going way way way way way way

Sauga city trip the pay day

Glo'd up off a gate way, man, you can't afford me

Doing is one thing, doing it right is a whole different story

Niggas is all in their feelings these days

All in their feelings these days

But hearing the scripture with that many sixes

You should be afraid

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach

Young nigga preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach
Preach, preach, preach, preach

"I didn't know you can rap" Dinah said. "Yeah nobody knows" I said. "What the Hell???" Dinah yelled. "Gurl please, that's raw talent" Dinah said. "Not even Lani can rap like that" Dinah said. "Oh well, it's just somethin for fun" I said. "But you, you can really sing!" I said. "Oh yeah you should hear Camila sing! Now that girl is the next Queen" Dinah said. "Well she's not the one who looks so much like Queen B it's scary, and your voice is amazing" I said. "Wow, Y/N just like three days ago, you said I'm anything but Beyoncé and now your singing my praises" Dinah said. "Well that was different" I said. "How?" Dinah asked. "Uh I don't know" I said hesitantly. "It's getting late anyway" I said. Dinah gave me that devious smirk she had when I firsr saw her again at the party. "Okay, let's go" Dinah said. I narrowed my eyes at her and hopped on my board. "I can't believe the championship in San Jose is coming up really soon" Dinah squealed. "Yeah, I can't wait" I said. "You don't seem so excited?" Dinah asked. "Well I just don't want to get injured again, I missed valauable games, I miss the court, and the accomplishments, and I'm scared that I'll get hurt again and never play again" I said. "That'll never happen, I promise your practically better than me, the court's your home as much as it is mine" Dinah said. "Thanks Dinah" I said. "Yeah and I want to compete with you when your at your best, that's how it goes" Dinah said. "Awww no fair! I just want to have some kind of competition because I've been off the court for a while! I've been wearing skirts Dinah! Skirts!" I said. Dinah laughed. "Hey I wear dresses which is sort of the same thing" Dinah said. "And plus you rock those skirts" Dinah said smirking again. "Damn okay, thanks" I said noticing that she was smirking again. "Dinah? Why the hell do you smirk like that? I just have to ask" I said laughing. "Like what?" Dinah asked. "Like that!" I said pointing to her face. "What? Does it bother you?" Dinah asked. "Yes! It, I don't know, it makes me feel weird" I said. "Then it's working" Dinah replied. "Damn Dinah Jane, why you gotta be like that" I said. Dinah gave me a toothy smile. "Stop!" I said. "It's my fault that I'm naturally hot, deal with it, cause I have to deal with you being way cuter than me" Dinah said blushing. "Nah your way hotter" I said. "Awww thanks! I know I am" Dinah said. I shook my head and laughed. "Y/N?" A voice asked. I stopped my board and looked behind me. "Dinah Jane? Woah I haven't seen you for years" Austin said flashing a smile. "What the hell do you want from me Mahone?" I asked. "Come on gurl, don't be like that" Austin said. "Get lost Austin!" Dinah said getting in front of me. "Whatcha gonna do Dinah?" Austin asked. "I'm talking to Y/N not your lame ess" Austin said. "Okay let's get this straight, she's better than your sorry ass, and I don't need you, now go back to the dirt hole you crawled out of" I said. "Stop playin, you want me, just admit it" Austin said. "I'm sorry but how far did you shove your head up your ess, she's done wit you, get lost fboy" Dinah said. "You're dykes! Have fun with your- " Austin was saying until Dinah and Normani tackled him. "Dinah get off of him!" "Mani let em go!!" Lauren and I ran over to Dinah and Normani. Austin got up and dusted his clothes and shoved Dinah. I punched him in the stomach and he fell back. "You prick, I'm going to get all of you back" Austin said. Austin's boys then came out of no where. "Yo your really going to hit a girl? Cause don't be mistaken I'll beat you up" Normani said tying her hair up. "Let's get outta here Austin" His buddy Jesse said. Austin spit on the street in front of our feet. "You got lucky this time" Austin said. Jessie, Josh, and Austin walked away. "Goons!" Camila yelled. "What'd you say?!" Jesse yelled. Camila shrunk behind Lauren and Normani. "Get lost before I rearrange your face!!" Normani yelled. Jesse gave us a stern look and began walking away. "I'm trying to be scared but Jesse looks amazing!" Camila said. "Well he's a nice guy but when Austin is in trouble he's a jerk" I said. "Who do they think they are?" Zendaya said. "Gangbangers" Dinah replied. "What were you guys doing here anyway?" I asked. "We heard voices and it sounded like you and Dinah" Camila said. "Yeah and then I saw Austin yelling and I just lost it" Normani said. "Me too" Dinah said through gritted teeth. "Okay, okay guys" I said. "Let's just go" Lauren said. We walked out of the park and Dinah, and I went one way while the rest of the girls went towards Lauren's neighborhood. "You know you don't have to walk me home I can take care of myself" I said. "But I want to, I'm sorry for jumping Austin but I just hate that word!" Dinah yelled. "I don't know what it means and I don't want to know" I said. Dinah huffed. "Whatever, your right I wish I didn't know what it meant" Dinah said. "It's okay DJ, we'll stop talking about it" I said. "Did you at least have fun before the douche came" I said. "Yes before that condescending piece of crap came" Dinah said. "Relax, he's gone" I said. "Y/N!" A voice yelled. Dinah was shaking now, not with fear but with anger. "Jesse?" I asked. "Can we talk for a second" He said. "Did you follow us? Get lost!" Dinah spat. "Look I'm sorry about Austin, he just wants you back, but he's to hardheaded" Jesse said. "Well I don't want to date a brat so tell him I don't need him and stop doing his dirty work" I said. (no pun intended) "It's not like that, you know him and I are like brothers, I can't leave him" Jesse said. I stepped closer to him our faces were inches apart. "If you don't leave him, he'll get you into more trouble than now" I said. He gave me that firm stone look. "Take care of yourself Jesse, not that gangster wannabe" I said. He didn't say anything he just looked at me. I turned to go but he took my arm. I looked back at him. "Thanks for being there for me kiddo" Jesse said. "Hey we're only one year apart!" I said. I gave him a hug and it took him a little while to hug me back. Dinah's face softened. Jesse kissed my forehead and began walking away. "What the f*** was that?" Lauren asked. "Jeez! Lauren! What the Hell?" I asked. "Was that Jesse" Normani said clenching her fists. "It's cool guys, they were just talking" Dinah said smiling. "Okay, well we got froyo for you guys!!" Camila said happily. Dinah and I laughed and took the froyo from Camila's hands. "Thanks" we said. "Well if y'all are gonna head home, see you tomorrow I guess" Zendaya said. They walked away and we continued walking. "Why are you so smiley?" I asked. She kissed my cheek. "What was that for?" I asked blushing. "So I'd be the last person that kisses you tonight" Dinah said. I smiled like a dork and Dinah laughed. "Stop being cute" Dinah said. I laughed. We walked for a couple more blocks until we got to my doorstep. "So this is where we part" I said. "Yup" Dinah said. It got quiet and Dinah started smirking again. I put my head down and started blushing. Someone then cleared their throat. "Y/N! Just in time for dinner" Mom said smiling. "Your welcome to join us too Dinah" Mom said. "Uh it's okay Mrs. Y/L/N, I appreciate the offer though" Dinah said. "No, I insist, Lauren and Normani use to come over too" Mom said. I put my hand on my head. "Yes they came here when we were all 12 because you invited their parents and siblings" I said. "Hush Y/N, where's your manners these days" Mom said. I raised my eyebrow then shut my mouth. "So Dinah is that a no or yes?" Mom asked. Dinah's eyes were filled with the look of fear. "Yes ma'am, I would love to have dinner with your family" Dinah said politely. "Good" Mom said. Dinah let out the breath she was holding and we both walked inside. Dad looked over to me and Dinah and gave me a sympathetic look. "Hey Y/N, Hey Dinah" Marcus said. "Marcus why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I asked. Dinah giggled. He shrugged. "It's hot" Marcus said. "Marcus, put your shirt back on we have a guest!" Mom scolded. "Yes mom" Marcus said pulling his white t-shirt over him. "Since you were late Y/N, we already said the prayer" Dad said. "I thought dinner was at 7:30?" I asked. "Well now it's at 7" Mom said. She got a plate and utensils for Dinah. "Thank you" Dinah said. Dinah took my hand from under the table and squeezed it. I blushed. Mom looked over at us suspiciously and I put my head down. Everyone started eating again. "So Dinah what are you going to do when you graduate college?" Mom asked. "I want to be a journalist" Dinah said. Dinah also would want to be a performer but I can tell why she wouldn't tell my mom that. "That's good, I heard it's a dangerous job though traveling the world" Mom said. "That's one reason why I want to do it" Dinah said. "Y/N wants to do something in science, what was it again honey?" Mom asked. "Uh phorensic science, or research for science or medical purposes" I said. "What college do you want to go to?" Mom asked. "I want to go to UCLA they have programs that pertains to my interest" Dinah said. See mom I do choose educated people besides Austin! I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry about my Mom, she does that" I said. "It's okay, we knew each other since we were 5 remember? I know your parents already" Dinah said. "So it's just like the old days" I said. "Yeah" Dinah said. "Well I better get home now I'll make it by ten at least" Dinah said. "Do you have a curfew?" I asked. "Yeah 10, and 10:30 is the latest but they get sort of mad when I make it by 10:30" Dinah said. "Then go!!" I said. "Yeah I know, but I'm waiting for Camila to come" Dinah said. Just then Camila's car stopped in front of my house and she honked the horn. "Bye Y/N" Dinah said. "Bye DJ" I said. "Will you two hurry it up? Not all of us have to be home by 10" Zendaya yelled. "I'm coming" Dinah yelled running towards Camila's car. She hopped in and Camila drove away. I watched Camila's car dissappear into the distance and walked back inside.

"Talk" I said firmly. "Are you alone now?" He asked. "No Camila and Zendaya are still sleeping" I replied. "Whatever, just listen and listen well" He said. "I'm listening" I said. "If you ever want your little girlfriend to play basketball again, you'll stay away from her" He said. "I know, we went over this like three minutes ago" I said. "Don't get sassy with me Dinah" He snapped. "Your sick, if you think I'm going to really do this to Y/N, your head must be farther up your butt than I thought" I said. "I got it planned Dinah, I'm not as stupid as you think I am" He said. "Austin I swear, I will shove a golf club up your- " "I get it, I get it, just do what I say and nothing goes wrong" Austin said. "Is Jesse in on this?" I asked. "No he bailed, I don't know what you both said to him but he didn't want to hurt Y/N" Austin said chuckling. "What are you mad your home boy isn't helping you do your petty kid shiz" I said. "Shut up you little dyke and listen do we have a deal or not?" Austin asked. "I swear if you call me that again I will literally turn this car around and break your nasty face" I said. "If you cross me that's your new nickname" Austin said. "Screw you, stop calling me from your mother's basement" I said. "Shut the hell up, deal or no deal she's mine" Austin said. "Deal" I said hanging up.

Special guest characters:

Aramis Knight as Jesse Fuentez
Josh Peck as Josh Fuentez

Well dang! I'm sorry if the end of the chapter is weird I wasn't really paying attention to what I was writing. Anyway hope you liked the chapter😉✌

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