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*3rd Person's P.O.V.*

Dark mahogany brown eyes scanned the colorful room. Some children were screaming, some were crying. She didn't understand why they had to make such noise and was disgusted by the amount of snot created. It wasn't like they were going to prison. She would know, she always visits her uncle in prison. Prison is cold, very cold, and it certainly wasn't this bright. And there's always a fight somewhere inside. She could always hear shouting and screaming, maybe even a gunshot. Then she paused, huh. Guess there was something in common among the two.

She hated both of them.

The man beside the 5-year-old girl noticed the oh so familiar look on her face. After all, he wore it every day to work. He didn't want his child to wear that mask of hatred like he did, not when he lost so much because of it. He sighed and crouched down to her height, making her face him. Nearly identical eyes stared at each other, the younger of the two having specks of green. The young raven-haired girl was the first to break eye contact, the intensity of her father's stare a little too much for her. She grumbled under her breath, she hated being beaten at a stare off, especially by her father. It was her specialty. No one but her parents could look into her eyes for more than a second, not even her older siblings. The man whispered in her ear, his tone commanding though his voice soothing like a father's should be.

"Honey, you have a mission here and whether you like it or not, you're finishing it if you want to pass. Plus, you took an oath."

The little girl mindlessly scanned the room once more, her eye catching a pair of gray ones. She was taken aback when the boy waved at her, quite enthusiastically. She responded with a small wave which seemed to make the boy even more excited, considering the fact that he's literally bouncing on his seat. Her eyebrows scrunched, the boy's excitement confusing her. Her attention snapped back to her father when the man flicked her forehead jokingly.

An amused smile formed on his face as he watched his normally calm, stoic daughter flush under his gaze. He looked across the room and chuckled when he saw the boy pouting while being scolded by a woman who looks to be his mother.

"Hey, focus. No distractions. And you are not allowed to go near that boy." He said, a smile on his face but his tone serious.

He yelped as the raven-haired, green-eyed woman, who was fixing the little girl's hair, slapped his shoulder. She gave him a pointed look, pushing him so she was the one crouching in front of her daughter.

"Don't listen to your father. He's just acting like the Grinch." The lady said, making a face while fixing her outfit. A smile grew on the woman's face when she heard her little angel giggle, wanting to cherish the moments she let her younger, innocent side show. Then she frowned as she remembered why they were here. She never told her husband, but she didn't want this for their little sweetheart. She wanted her to have a normal life unlike the life she and her husband got. But the council found out about her and recruited her before she could even walk, and her talented baby already started walking at the age of 7 months! She internally sighed.

"I guess this is what I get for striving for the best all the damn time", she thought, staring into nothing. A hand on her cheek woke her up from her trance. She placed her hand over her daughter's and smiled at her child. The little girl gave one back and kissed her mother's other cheek.

"Mama, don't worry. I accepted this mission. I wanna be like you and daddy and do coow stuff with you. Plus, I took an oawth." The woman smiled at the girl's small mispronunciations.

She may be intelligent and mature for a 5-year-old but she is still as adorable as one.

"I know. I remember." She tucked a few stray strands of hair away from her daughter's face before kissing her forehead, remembering that horrible yet extraordinary day.

Both parents stood up and each gave one last kiss on their child's forehead before heading for the door. But they were stopped by their baby grabbing both of them. She made them bend down and kissed their cheeks. She whispered in their ears before letting go and saluting.

"I won't let you down."

Then she turned around and sat back down on her seat as her parents left with smiles on their faces.


Let hell begin.



Hey, gals or guys! This is my very first story so I'm sorry for any mistakes or if this book is horrible... hopefully, it isn't. And I might update really slow since I'm basically out of the house the whole day cuz of school and stuff for most of the week.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Hope you follow me, comment if you want to and maybe even vote? Up to you. 😁😁

Alright! Until next time I update! Adios, chicas... or chicos!

P. s, thanks to kdgarciaaa for proofreading and for her opinion! Ya rock, woman!


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