Chapter Twelve- Broken Home

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Before the five boys got home they  called up everyone that had been called about Dana's disappearance. They'd been assured that he was okay.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." Dana said before they entered their house

"No problem. We don't mind doing all this for you, we love you bro." Cole said, pulling his younger brother into a hug.

"Where on earth were you?" A figure stopped them at the door, it was Gabe.

"Finding the brother that you weren't bothered to find." David shot back.

The tension was obvious. Oldest and second oldest, face to face. The other four made eye contact before turning back to their siblings and trying not to make a sound.

"I'm the oldest, you couldn't have told me where you went?!" Gabe yelled, stepping closer to the Italian.

"Not really bro, you were kind of at your girlfriend's house, not caring." David spat.

Then it happened. One moment they were nose to nose and the next David was clutching his stinging face while Gabe was glaring at him. He had slapped him.

The Penderys weren't known for being violent with each other. The worst it got was when Cole and Dalton started wrestling but neither of them actually wanted to harm the other, no matter how angry they were. Gabe, however, was obviously past this reputation.

David didn't fight back. He was better than that, most of the time. He just backed up and grabbed Dana and Will's hands. He nodded towards Cole and Dalton before walking away from Gabe. He was obviously unstable right now and would not be safe to be around. He didn't know what was wrong with his older brother, he used to be so nice.

Fortunately, Gabe apparently didn't think it necessary to follow them and Cole and Dalton took the hint David gave them to stay close behind.

"Where are we going?" Will asked

"Aunt Megs' place. It's either there or Great Uncle Racist's and I'm wouldn't bring you there if it was the apocalypse and it was the only safe haven in America." David replied

"What about mom and dad?" Dana asked

"I'll call them, tell them what's going on. Now come on, we're not going home until Gabe is stable enough to be around."

The quintet walked all the way to their aunt's place. It was pretty far but it was worth it. When they got there, Cole knocked on the door.

Steph answered it, a surprised look in her eyes.

"Well if it isn't the Pendery kids! What're you all doing here? And where's Gabe?" The woman inquired.

"He isn't- He isn't exactly safe to be around right now. Could we stay here?" Dalton spoke for David

"Well, I'm fine with it. Your aunt isn't exactly here right now though. She actually stepped out for a bit on business." She tapped her chin twice before starting to speak again. "I'll call your parents for you. You can go to your rooms I guess. Just don't go anywhere without telling me, I don't want you getting lost on my watch."

The boys nodded and ran up into Cole, Will, and Dana's room where they started to take in the situation. They weren't sure if Gabe was okay. If something had happened to him. It was scary. Too scary.

The youngest two started to cry. David was too busy pacing, trying to think of a way to make their family okay again. So, Dalton started to hug Dana while Cole took Will in an embrace. Yet, the two needed the hugs as much as the younger duo. Then Dalton started rationalizing.

"It'll be okay guys. Gabe is just going through his rebel phase. Everyone does, his is just more intense because he's been responsible most of his life. David is going to figure out something. Right David?" Dalton basically just threw David under the bus with that question.

"I-I-" The eldest in the room cleared his throat. "I'll do my best. Mom, dad, and Steph are helping too. We're gonna be strong though okay?"

He honestly hated seeing his sibling cry. That was part of the reason why he had started going to the gym regularly. So he could be intimidating to anyone who even seemed to pose as a threat to his adopted siblings. Just because they weren't family didn't mean they were not actually family.

Dana and Will dried their tears. Dana looked as if he was about to say something when he was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. David called out, telling the person outside the door that it was open. It was Steph.

"Hey guys. Are you all okay?" She asked.

"Did you call mom and dad?" Cole asked

"I did, they said they'd handle Gabe. Do you think you'd all be fine with staying here as they calm Gabe down? They said it might take a while considering the temper on that boy." Steph shrugged

None of the boys complained, all agreeing. They didn't need anything from their house right now. Wearing clothes twice in a row wasn't going to kill them. Plus, their devices were on them at the time.

Once their aunt's fiancé left the room, Will sniffled a little.

"I don't want Gabe to be angry anymore. I don't care how pathetic that sounds. I just liked it better when he wasn't angry all the time. He just hates us now, it's not fair, he used to be awesome and caring and-" The boy's rant was stopped by David.

"He doesn't hate us William. He's just probably not in a good place right now."

"Well does that mean he has to take it out on the rest of us." Dalton scoffed

"You know what? You're being a hypocrite if you're saying that. In fact, any of us would be a hypocrite. You and Cole have been fighting for who knows how long. I've been complaining about not feeling like belonging. Dana ran away to ease his mind about him liking a girl. Will hid his bullying problem. Mom and dad have been going away way too often."

"So what're you saying?" Dana asked

"That we're a broken home."



Dang, I haven't updated in a while, sorry guys. But I'm on Summer Vacation!!!!!

Also, I finally found another person who writes Wavid books and you should check her out! keke120413

Until Next Time -CG

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