Chapter Eleven- Runaway

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"I called Aunt Megs and neither she nor Steph has seen him. Mom and dad said they'd help us look and are going to all his usual shops. Angela's dad said that she and her mom were on a trip so he isn't there either." David groaned, placing the phone down.

"Everything's going to poop down in the Pendery home." Connie sighed

"Now is not the time for jokes Con!" Will screamed, he had started pacing a couple of minutes ago and never stopped.

Cole and Dalton appeared looking disheveled and worn-out. They were panting and sweating while trying to catch their breaths. Dalton got a hold o his breath first.

"He's not in the backyard, in his closet or anywhere upstairs." Dalton reported

"He's not in the front-yard, on the main floor or in the basement." Cole said right after.

David wanted to join the pacing Will when he heard that news. This was not good. He was pretty sure that losing your baby brother was probably the worst thing that could happen when you were supposed to live in the same room as him.

What David did next was reasonable actually. He groaned in frustration and started banging his head against a table. The people closest to him pulled him away from the table once they processed exactly what he was doing.

"I'm a horrible older brother." David groaned

"Well at least you're doing something about it. Lover boy isn't doing crap." Connie pointed out, referring to Gabe.

Will, Cole and Dalton looked at their feet because, honestly, Connie was right. They needed their big brother right now but Gabe wasn't really being one. None of them wanted to hint at that though.

"We're still family." David sighed. "I don't care if Gabe doesn't want to do anything but I'm not gonna stand this. Yeah, we're not blood related but he shares this family as much as any of us do. I need to talk to him."

"David. What if he won't talk to you? I don't want our family to fall apart any more than it already is." Will frowned.

"If this is a family, it sure seems broken." Dalton agreed.

"Look, y'know what? I'm calling a sibling meeting! Every sibling must be present, every non-sibling can't join. Once we find Dana, it's on." David declared

Connie nodded, liking the idea. She left the room soon after so she could continue the search for the youngest Pendery.

"But what'll Gabe say?" Will whispered once his best friend was gone.

"I don't care. He needs to get his family morals in check for the present, not the future. I don't even give a fu-um-frick about Alex right now." David replied

"Oh, big bro is gonna hate this." Cole mumbled as the rest of the boys agreed to the meeting idea. "But I'm in, if it's going to stop this runaway business, I'm all for it."

Dalton agreed, which was one of the few things the duo agreed on nowadays. This isn't what their family should be like. They should be encouraging. Right now, they were broken apart.

Suddenly, a memory had popped into Dalton's head.

"Broken!" He yelled, scaring his brothers half to death.

"What?" Will asked

"Remember that broken windmill we found? Remember the drawings that we found? We used to go there all the time and crawl up the hollowed out space and just hang out for hours on end. We stopped going when Gabe became a teenager. Dana loved that place!" Dalton reminded them

"Oh yeah! I still remember where that is!" David smiled. "Let's go, I'll drive."

They all ran to the car and drove their way to the river they would have to cross to get there. The river was too wide to jump over and the currents were too strong to swim across. When they were younger, there had been a rope swing but it broken. They had went searching for another place to cross and had found a conveniently placed log. Thankfully, they had found that log once again, sturdy as ever.

"Dana! We're sorry for anything we did but please just come back!" David yelled.

"Oh hey guys." Dana waved at his brothers.

"Dana! We were worried sick about you!" Will said, running up to hug him.

"I'm sorry." The youngest boy said, looking down.

"No, we're sorry. We're so, so sorry. We'll try to stop fighting, honest." David told him

The others agreed. Dana just smiled sadly at his brothers before standing up and looking back at the drawings that had been on the walls for a long time now.

They were drawings that showed different people coming together to be in harmony.

"I missed this place." Cole blurted, looking around for the first time in almost 8 years.

"I did too." Dalton agreed

They looked at each other and smiled. It had been a while since they had both agreed on something.

"We should come back soon." Will suggested

All the boys nodded their heads. This place was an important part of their childhood. It needed to be kept special to them. It was their place of harmony.

"Why did we stop going here in the first place?" David asked, not quite remembering.

Dana remembered. He remembered well, in fact.

"Gabe became a rebellious teenager." Dana shrugged, not telling the entire truth.

Yes, Gabe had become a rebellious teenager but it was also because of what Dana liked to call, 'The Love Fight'.

Gabe had been arguing with their parents on the topic of Cole going out more. Gabe had been defending Cole. It had gotten so out of hand that everyone had been involved. Gabe had gotten so mad at half of the family that he had broken one of everyone's possession.

He had apologized but it had ruined the harmonic feel.

At least now, Gabe had known his errors and- wait.

"Where's Gabe?" Dana asked his brothers.

"Not caring about his family."



This is soooo late I'm soooo sorry!

I've been super busy and now I'm just even more busier because of exams next week.

Anyways, here y'all go! (Gabe isn't a bad guy btw, just bare with me.)

Until Next Time -CG

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