Chapter One- The Penderys

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It was one of those rare quiet days in the Pendery household. Cole and Dalton were out with friends, Gabe and Mrs. Pendery were doing some grocery shopping, Mr. Pendery was busy working in his office, David went to the gym while Dana tagged along and Will was reading a book on the couch quietly. The peacefulness was soon shattered when Cole and Dalton came back from hanging out. When the door was slammed open Will turned his head to see his older brothers.

"Hi guys." He said but wasn't greeted back with the same kindness.

"SHUT UP WILL!" They both screamed at the younger boy and continued arguing.

Will shrank back and pretended to keep reading his book. Then Gabe and Mrs. Pendery came through the door, arguing as well.

"You never let me do my own thing! Just because you found me alone on the streets doesn't mean I'm helpless anymore! I'm freaking 17 and turning 18 next year!" Gabe yelled

"You don't freaking understand! Why do you always have to follow me around everywhere?!" Dalton screamed

"Gabriel, I can't do this with you anymore! It's dangerous and you know it! Of all people you should know!" Mrs. Pendery said loudly

"I have my own life Dal! They're my friends too and you know it!" Cole shrieked

It was not often that the quietest person in the family snapped in frustration. But when the arguing went on for ten minutes and Mr. Pendery hadn't come down to stop it yet, Will had enough. Sure, he was the second youngest of the family but respect your elders doesn't apply to when they're all fighting over stuff, right?


The four stopped their fighting to stare at the younger boy in surprise

"Stop fighting. Can't you just sort it out like normal? Talk it out, don't yell it out." Will mumbled and walked away to get some privacy in his own room. He told his mom and three of his older brothers off. He needed some alone time at this moment.

"We'll talk about this later Gabriel." Mrs. Pendery sighed before walking up to her own office.

"I still hate you a lot right now." Cole mumbled before stomping off to watch some TV in the basement

Dalton and Gabe just grumbled under their breaths and sat on the couch Will had been on previously.

"Doctor Who?" Gabe asked reaching for the television remote

"Yes please. What was yours about?" Dalton nodded then asked.

"The moving out things, yours?" Gabe asked, going into Netflix and trying to find Dalton's favourite show.

"Friends, hanging out, stuff." Dalton scrunched his face up and pointed to the screen.

His older brother had almost missed the show. Then David and Dana walked in.

"Doctor Who?" David asked, taking a seat beside Gabe. Dalton nodded but kept his attention on the screen. "Sweet."

"Ugh, again? I'm gonna go hang out with Will, where is he?" Dana asked

"Room." Was all Gabe said.

Dana then rushed off to find his youngest older brother.


"Hey Will, can I come in? I'm booooorrrrrreeeeeed." Dana asked, coming into Will's room

Family (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni Fic) [ON HIATUS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz