"Grant, this is the last day of school and you sleep in my class? Do you even have a conscience?" the teacher glared with a menacing look.

"Sure I do. And it told me to sleep." the student responded brazenly, causing the students to laugh and the teacher to grit his teeth in anger.

"Oh, I know what you're up to." he waved an accusing finger. He had enough of his misbehavior obviously if the vein on his bald head wasn't of indication. "You're trying to get the last laugh before the bell rings. But, I saw this coming, Mikami! I'll have the last..."

The bell rang, silencing the raging teacher and ending the class period. The students instantly ran out of the room, leaving the teacher in the room alone. He dropped to his knees, depressed that he didn't get his chance to have revenge.

"I... have failed..." he shed a single tear.

At the entrance of the school building, Grant collected his shoes from his locker and began to put them on. As he was tying his shoelaces, he looked up and noticed his sister talking to two girls.

He thought to himself of how odd his sister was; talking to herself as if someone was there, sometimes carried a glass of ice in her hand, etc. He just found her odd.

Asa delivered a knifehand strike at Grant on his head, drifting him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, Grant. It's time to go." his twin said.

"You didn't have to hit me, amazon woman." he said with irritation in his voice.

"Well, you were just sitting here spacing out like an idiot. Now come on."

"Fine..." Grant gave up the argument and finished tying his shoes.

"Bye, Asa! See you next year!" the first girl said.

"Bye, Asa! Bye, Grant!" the second girl said.

The two girls waved goodbye to them as they left. The twins waved back. Grant, in particular, was happy they acknowledged him and smirked to himself. His proud smirk stopped when he noticed Asa glaring at him as if he did something wrong.

"What's with you?!" he asked.

"Nothing, let's go, Mr. Otaku." she pouted.

He was obviously agitated by her insult. "Forget it! I'm walking home alone!" he shouted as he quickly walked ahead.

"Hey, Grant! Wait for me!" she ran after him.

A few minutes later far off from the school, two men wielding weapons looked around the area. The first guy wielded a sword on his left side while the second had a sniper rifle strapped on his back. Asa looked at the them in confusion as they ran around like beheaded chickens.

"Dammit, it's not here! Where could it be?!" the first guy shouted.

"Dude, we have to go back and contact Commander Reida!" the second guy announced.

"Are you crazy?! She'll kill us for not finding the Mons! Plus we lost our cloaks as well, she'll go on a rampage!"

"We have no choice! Some ghosts are nearby and might be eaten if we don't move on! Find the Senmu and hurry!"

"Man, today is not my day!"

They ran off into the forest behind them. Grant stopped and noticed her watching them. He, himself, didn't see them... or rather he couldn't. To him it looked like his sister was just staring at the forest.

"What weird guys... must be street performers or something." she said to herself.

"Asa, what are you looking at?" he asked.

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