Lay ( Part 3 )

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I was cooking for our lunch at the kitchen, then a pair of arm sneak into my waist...

" Jagiya, do you want kids? " Lay asked as he place his chin on my shoulder...

" of course i do but not now... "

" waeyo? "

" umm.. Because of three reasons... First, im too young to be a mother... Second, we are to busy with our carrier and lastly "

I stopped talking for a while and face backward to him...

" Are you ready to be my secind love? " i ask him as i wrapped my hands around his neck and he has his hands on my waist...

I then continue my sentences

" Well for me, im not ready to let you be my second love "

He smile and start to lean in while closing his eyes...

My head is getting backward while Lay leaning to my face as i was trying to avoid his kiss...

I lean foward and peck his lips then went out of his embrace...

While Lay was there standing dumbfounded..

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