The Clouded Glass

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It has been eight months since the accident. I remember nothing other than me staring off into the distance of pouring rain as I slowly grew unconscious. The ground was cold, it was dark out. No one was on the road, but one person who stood beside me with a blurred expression. I don't know who it was, a strange guy that...

"HAZEL" Alex yells as she interrupts my train of thought.

"Yea, sorry" I grimace, "what were you saying?"

"Ugh" Alex grunts, "You've been in this catatonic state for what seems like forever!"

"Sorry Alex, it's just that I've been... Thinking" I say as I slip back into the cavern that is my mind.

"See there you go again!" Alex says as she slaps my shoulder.

"Ow, chill fam I don't have time for your acts of abuse today" I say with a half smile.

"Well if you'd pay attention to me when I'm talking to you, then I wouldn't have to beat you now would I?" She says with an evil expression on her face.

I roll my eyes and continue listening to her story, trying my best not to fall deep in thought to avoid getting hit again.


After I had gotten home from Alex's place, I went straight to my room and face planted into my bed. I grunt in satisfaction as the cold sheets engulf each crevice of my face. I roll over only to stare at the ceiling deep in thought.

Who was that guy and why can't I seem to make out a face? It's as if the thought is close yet so far from my grasp.

I sigh and roll on my side, holding on to the checkered pillow closest to my reach. I've done nothing these past few weeks but think about that night as if I may be missing something... Something important. It's been eating me alive and I want answers. I need to get to the bottom of this before I pull my hair out, I decided the next morning to begin my search.

I get up and change into the night gown that my best friend Oliver gave me. It was a salmon color with soft fabric that flowed just above my knees, exposing the caramel skin of my legs. I turn off the light and carefully make my way to my bed with outstretched arms so that I don't run into anything and possibly impale myself in the dark. I curl up under the covers and stare at the ceiling as my eyes adjust to the darkness.

"Oh how I wonder..." I whisper to myself as I drift off into sleep.

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