Demon Kisses

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The next morning I woke up with puffy eyes. I sigh, and begin to pick up the mess Luke made last night.

Just as I put a book on the shelf, Luke appeared. He was sitting on my bed looking at me.

"Charlotte, I'm sorry. I'll help you clean up okay?" he said

"Whatever" I mumble, not wanting to clean the room by myself.
Luke's P.O.V.

I could just snap my fingers and the room would return to normal. However I wanted to spend time with Charlotte, so I kept that to myself.

As I was picking up CDs off her floor, I start thinking about music.

I walk over to her radio, deciding some music might ease some of the tension in the room.

As I turn it on I realize the song playing was Better Off This Way by A Day To Remember.

I couldn't help but sing along and tap my foot to the beat. Soon I was full on performing.

I heard Charlotte try to keep herself from laughing. I quickly turn my head towards her and she pretends like she didn't see what I was doing.

I run over to her grabbing her arms and flailing around or 'dancing', if you can call it that.

She can't help but laugh, which makes me smile. We both end up falling on her bed, with me landing on top of her.

I look at her lips then back at her. My can feel my eyes change to black.

But they didn't change because of anger, but because of lust.

I looked at her and she looked a bit surprised by the sudden change.

"Are you scared?" I whisper in her ear

She looked me dead in the eyes before leaning next to my ear and whispering

"No. Are you?"

I chuckle slightly at her words.

We stare at each other for what felt like forever. All I wanted right now was her.

I quickly smashed my lips to hers.

Charlottes P.O.V.

Luke attached his lips to mine.

That's the day I made out with a demon.

A couple weeks had gone by after the kiss had happened. I hadn't seen Luke, which was very odd.

I missed him. It was odd to think that. He was a demon, a murderer, and most importantly he was dead.

I never thought I would fall in love with a dead man. Yes. I've fallen in love with him.

It didn't matter, however, because he was dead and I was alive. No relationship could come out of that.

It was as if he was alive, though. He watched movies with me, as if he was just one of my friends. Luke would tell me funny jokes and sing stupid songs.

He was my happiness. He was gone, so my happiness went away with him.

I sigh searching my desk drawers for the item I had in mind.

"Finally!" I say to myself, in triumph

It was a small hand pencil sharpener. I quickly took the small screw driver I had, and took the blade out of the sharpener.

I dragged the blade across my wrists, and sighed with contentment.

I sat on the floor watching the blood flow out of my open wound.

I started to begin to feel a bit dizzy. I was loosing a lot of blood.

I suddenly see a blurry looking Luke appear.

"Well, hello Lucas"I say stumbling on my words "Nice of you to stop by" I say sarcastically before feeling myself being picked up

Luke carried me to the sink and sat me on it. He then cleaned my wounds and bandaged them up.

He the laid me back in my bed.

"Get some sleep. We'll talk about this later" he said, not sounding happy

Are You Scared? || Luke Hemmingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن