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When Danny and Lula get back to the hotel, Merritt and Jack are hunched over a blueprint, a black piece of paper that has secret writing when you shine an ultraviolet light on it. They look up when the other two Horsemen walk in. Jack looks as Lula and she gives him a half smile, the right side of her lips lifting up.

Merritt, as observant as he is as a mentalist, doesn't notice, and just asks Danny if he has the mirrors, which he holds up. 

"Okay, so basically what happens, is we position the mirrors so that it looks like..." Merritt starts to explain to them. Jack looks pointedly at Lula and rolls his eyes. She swallows and looks away. 

Danny keeps sneaking glances at her, and she pretends she doesn't notice. They all stand, glancing back and forth as Merritt explains. Jack reaches his hand around Danny and puts it on Lula's shoulder. 'Okay?' He mouths, and she nods at him. Danny pretends he doesn't see and isn't still embarrassed. 

"Okay," Merritt says, stepping back from the blueprint, "I can feel the sexual tension in this room, and not much makes me uncomfortable, but that does." All three of them blush, but Merritt just grins. "If you three have something to work out, I'll gladly step out," he raises his eyebrows, questioning.

"Yeah, if you wouldn't mind, Merritt," Lula says, taking Danny and Jack by surprise. 

"Well alrighty," Merritt responds, smirks, and exits the room to go upstairs.

Jack, Danny, and Lula look at each other. Jack sits down and crosses his arms. "So," he says, "what do we have to work out?"

Lula is normally bad at keeping secrets, except for her big secret, and she has to tell him. "Jack, Danny kissed me," she blurts out. Danny looks at her like, 'why would you tell him?', and Jack opens his mouth as if he were going to say something. His face reads confused and hurt.

"Danny," Lula lets out a huff of breath, "I like you as a person, but, not romantically. I'm really sorry, but I like Jack." Danny nods.

"I know, he told me last night that you kissed, and that you said you have feelings for him, but I've liked you since day 1! I'm the one who offers to do stuff for you, like taking your bags upstairs, and escorting you to the store," Danny looks totally confused, and runs his hands through his hair before putting them on his thighs and picking at his jeans. "I thought maybe I could change your mind," he says somewhat sheepishly. 

Jack and Lula exchange a look, and Lula announces, "I'm gonna go upstairs, if either of you need me. Figure yourselves out," she stops almost to the door. "And Danny? I can carry my own bags."

Sure, it might have sounded harsh, but she knows he had a history of being obsessive over women, especially Henley, and she didn't want to be next.

She follows the stairs up to where Merritt is lounging on his bed watching tv with his shoes off and shirt unbuttoned.

Walking into his room she says, "Hey, Merritt," and then, "can we talk?"

He sits up and clears his throat. "Listen, sweetheart," he says sarcastically, "don't expect me to fall for you like the two bimbos downstairs. Even if you are as pretty as Henley was." He gives an exaggerated grin and it crinkles his nose.

Lula rolls her eyes, "No, obviously I don't expect that. I just wanted some advice. I like them both, honestly, but I think I really am in love with Jack."

Merritt nods, "Which one was the better kisser?" And then he laughs while Lula blushes. "No, but really, they're both different. Jack is daring, and kind of a smartass. Danny is nice, but always nervous. But I don't think either of them have ever had a girlfriend, so don't wreck it."

"I guess I would go," Merritt grumbles, "with whatever your heart tells you to do," and he does that sarcastic smile again.

"Very helpful, as always," Lula says as she walks out.

"I wouldn't go downstairs just now, they're probably having a joust over you," Merritt calls after her.

She does go downstairs, though, and finds Danny with his lip bleeding again, and Jack with a bruise on his arm. Danny is furiously studying the new plan, and Jack is looking out a window, constantly flexing his jaw muscle and shuffling cards.

"Jesus christ," she sighs, "don't fight over me, it's not worth it," she tells them.

Jack shakes his head, "Can I talk to you for a minute, Lula?" He asks before pulling her into the hallway.

"We were fighting, but not really. He kept saying 'she's mine, I love her, stay away from her," stuff like that. I just don't want him to hurt you, or something. He's way too protective," Jack spills all the details. "He grabbed my arm and told me, 'she's way too good for you'. I asked if that meant that he was better than I was, and he just kinda ignored it. But then I asked if he'd ever hurt you like he was doing to me right then, and he turned bright red and let go of me. I dont know if you heard, but he kinda whisper-yelled, 'I would never hurt her'. He kept repeating it quieter and quieter like he was convincing himself." Jack shakes his head, "I don't think you'd be safe with him." He finally finishes his speech. 

Lula bobs her head. "I know he's protective, and kinda has an obsession with other women, like Henley. But you didn't have to say any of that, because I already chose you."

Jack smiles wide, and his eyes crinkle. "I'm glad, because I've never wanted to be with someone as much as I've wanted to be with you,"he says, and wraps his arms around her waist to pull her into a kiss.

Neither of them happen to see Danny walk out of the room and stop to stare at them. Neither of them see the way he looks when he sees them. He looks like he's going to explode, like a kid who's favorite toy got taken away, like he could hurt somebody.

Now You See Me For Real (A now you see me 2 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now