The car ride

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"Okay, we need somebody to run down to the nearest magic shop and pick up some mirrors and rope," Merritt announces to the waiting Horsemen. "Dylan has something planned for us."

"I'll go," Lula says, and not two seconds after, Daniel and Jack both say, "Me too." Daniel looks at Jack nervously and then at Merritt, who shrugs.

Jack licks his lips and looks at Lula. She raises an eyebrow and shrugs. "Kay, go ahead, Danny," Jack tells him.

Together Danny and Lula walk down the stairs and through the lobby of their hotel. Daniel seems nervous and twitchier than usually. When Lula speaks up to say thanks to the doorman, he jumps.

They get in the car together, with Lula in the passenger seat. Daniel fiercely keeps his hands at 10 and 2 while he drives. He spares a quick glance at her and clears his throat. "Lula? I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you showed up in my apartment that day," he says, and then his left leg starts jittering, a sure sign he's nervous.

She smiles without showing her teeth, "Thanks, Danny, I'm glad I met you too."

He keeps swallowing awkwardl, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. They finally get to the magic store and walk inside. Lula quickly gets caught up in a self shuffling card deck, while Danny buys the supplies.

She's crouching down, totally focused, and he walks up right behind her. "Hey, that's pretty cool," he says, and she's so out of it that she jumps straight up and hits the back of her head on his lips and chin. 

Danny's head flies back as she turns around, holding the back of her head to see what she hit. "Oh, Danny, I'm so sorry! You scared me," she says. She furles her eyebrows and takes his chin in her hand to examine his cut lip. "Yup, I split it right down the middle," she observes.

She doesn't notice how he looks down at her, or how he is so happy to have her touch his face. "S'alright," he mumbles. Lula goes up to the front counter to see if theh have any bandages. They don't,  so Danny goes to the bathroom and washes it off. 

"I'll be in the car!" She tells him. A minute later, he opens the driver's door and gets in. "I'm really sorry, Danny, but you shouldn't have snuck up on me," she tells him. He shakes his head, embarrassed.

She looks at him and bites her lip, silently asking if her apology was accepted. Danny is getting more and more nervous, so his nose and eyes start to twitch. "Lula, I really like you. Like, alot," he tells her, "Like, I think I might love you."

She stares at him in disbelief. After a moment, Danny leans in and kisses her. Her eyes fly open. "Danny!" she screeches as she pushes him away.

He looks confused and embarrassed, "Sorry, did I misread the situation?" He asks.

Lula rolls her eyes away and nods her head. "Sorry," he says again. They sit in awkward silence the entire ride home.

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