Goth, Rachel, Jonathon, Ashley, Superhero, Night Owl, Shadow Fox, Government Agency, Romance, Noah

Start from the beginning

"WHO DE YE THINK YOU ARE?!" He thundered to the terrified boy.

"N-N-No one, sir" The boy stuttered out.


"P-P-P-Please, sir I d-d-d-d-didn't mean to...."

"OH AND NOW YE INTERRUPTING ME, YOU MUST BE KING OF THIS SHIP THEN!" Lucas roared turning the boy around and pressing him against the railing with his back turned to him, and then forced him to look down at the long drop into the dark waters below.

The boy paled.


The rest of Lucas's statement was cut short when the servant whispered barely audible. "People...."

Lucas knitted his brows in confusion. "What was that now?" he asked sure that he had misheard him.

"P-People..." the servant repeated, louder then the first time but still in a whisper like volume.

"What are ye talking about, boy?"

He pointed towards the water and turned his head to look at him. "There are people down there!" he finally said in a normal volume. Lucas looked at the boy for a second and then threw him out of the way and walked over to the side of the railing to look for himself. The second he casted a downward glance towards the ocean he made out two distinct outlines, and blinked as the outlines slowly became the outline of two bodies, and then the bodies materialized clothing....people.....

His eyes widened.

He whirled around, no longer bothering to even cast a glance at the boy.

"MEN OVERBOARD!" Lucas yelled at the top of his lungs.

Instantly every crew member froze and then came roaring back to life racing towards the railing of the ship.

"Get a rope!" one crew member yelled.

The end of one was thrown to the man who grabbed it and swiftly jumped overboard into the water's below while every other crew member grabbed the other end in order to pull him back up. Within less than a minute's time they felt a tug and began to pull. The man emerged a minute later, soaked to the bone, but what he had in his arms was not at all what Lucas had been expecting.

"Children..." he said as the air left his lungs in a whoosh.

"Aye" was the only response that the man gave before gently setting the two small frames on the deck. One of them was a girl with a mound of bright red hair wet and clinging to her bloody and bruised face. The other was a boy with pale blonde hair and similar injuries. They were both soaked to the bone and then some, god only knew how long that they had been drifting out there, and neither of them could be more than four or five years of age.

"Are thee dead?" one man finally asked the question that nobody else had the courage to.

"No, but I ain't saying there in the clear, there hanging on by a few threads of hair they are...."

Lucas suddenly came back to life. "Then why are we just standing here?! Get rags to stop the bleeding, clean out the wounds, and get them down to the sick bay, go!" He screamed out the orders to the men and casted one more glance at the limp bodies on the deck, and although he was not a man of great faith he prayed for god to have mercy on their poor souls.

One Week Later....

April 19, 1807

"Shh....I think that the lad's coming to..." A voice that Prince Daniel Stefan Morgan, the crown of the small tropical nation of Essentia did not recognize whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2010 ⏰

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Goth, Rachel, Jonathon, Ashley, Superhero, Night Owl, Shadow Fox, Government Agency, Romance, NoahWhere stories live. Discover now