Feeling uncomfortable about this whole soul mate talk I changed the subject abruptly.

"You will start training immediately, Tyrel or Luke will show you into your room, do you have your stuff?" 

Leo stared at me baffled "Ah, yes I do."

As if on command Luke appeared at the door and took Leo with him.

Sighing I let myself fall into the chair behind my desk as my phone started ringing.

I looked at the ID and froze.


Hesitantly I grabbed it and opened the call, I knew he would want information about the girl, and I still had none.

"Lathan", I greeted him.

"Castor", his voice always contained that aura of power which made everybody cower back in fear. "how are things?"

"Well depends on what you mean?", I snorted.

"The damn girl of course," the king nearly roared into my phone making me hold it away from my ear.

"She's getting weaker and weaker no idea how long she will hold up."

"Damn you, I dont care if she's weak or what shit, I want to know if you have found the attacker.", I knew his patience was wearing short.

"Oh, trust me if I would have, don't you think I would've already called you?", I knew this would set him off further but he was my brother so I didn't care, he had caught me at a bad hour.

"Castor", his voice was dangerously low and threatening "I don't know what's going on with you but I won't accept another of your kinky parades. I'm sending someone to get her from you, I want her in my own dungeon."

This perked my full attention and I sat up straighter, "What the hell for?", I felt a strange feeling rise in my chest.

"You little brother are obviously not making any progress, let my witches handle her.", his voice remained low.

"A witch can't enter her mind, she is protected." I growled.

"My men are on their way," he hung up after his last word and I growled in frustration. I didn't want her in the kings hands.

I might be ruthless, but he was cold hearted at a totally different degree than I was.

My dungeon was dark and musty but his promised death.

Avery's POV

Laying on the ground close to the wall, I stuck my feet up against the cold stone and stared at the ceiling.

I had been in this position for so long I couldn't remember,  my body was immobilized but my mind was wild.
  My back started to become numb from being in the same position for so long.

I missed Layla, her lovely fragrance, her sweet smile and her sincere hazel eyes with a hint of an mischievous glint.
  I imagined her with Leo and a frown crossed my face, I suppose I wasn't completely over him.
  A pang of jealousy clawed at my chest which increased the steady burn that never faded away.

Guys had always been after her killer body and sweet character.
I was short and more the quiet type.

I had never minded that I wasn't the center of attention, but with Leo I had wanted to be a popular girl for he had always hung with them. Or more they had hung around him.

My chain of thought was interrupted as commotion broke lose on the dungeon steps.

I lay unmoving at my spot and waiting for one of them to probably bring me food or water.

The door ripped open and two silhouettes swished into the cell room.

I froze at the sight that displayed in front of me. Quickly I scampered on my feet and stood on shaky legs.

  Two bulky vampires where staring at me with fiery eyes. Red as an eclipsed moon.
My mouth hung open and I stumbled over the words that where trying to form in my mind.

One of the men came closer and grabbed my wrist.
  I lay my weight against the pull and he turned around when I stumbled awkwardly being him.

"Let me go", I hissed between clenched teeth due to his iron grip on my arm.
  Without words he turned around dragged me on as if I was a mere rag doll.

"Let me go now", I yelled.

Suddenly Sir Castor appeared on top of the stairs and I was slightly relieved. I couldn't explain myself why I would be relieved but he had been nicer the last few days.

But my relief soon turned to grief.
Castors lips were set in a thin line and his expression threw daggers at me.

"Sir Castor, what is going on?", I asked frantically.

One of the unfamiliar vampires sneered at me.

"King Lathan wants you in his dungeon, filthy human," his voice was hoarse but masculine.

My eyes grew wide and they burned.

Hell I didn't want to be in the king's dungeon. I imagined it to be worse.

His pureblood from raked undesirable images into my mind.

"No" I mumbled. "I don't want to." I wailed miserably.

Suddenly Sir Castor lunged forward and grabbed my neck.

"Shut up and behave, don't test the king, his patience wears off a lot quicker then mine." He  whispered furiously the deep blackness in his eyes darkening further.

  One of the, what I assumed where the king's men chuckled darkly.

"Walk on little chicken," he shoved me roughly.

Sir Castor stepped away and watched them drag me away emotionless.

Please, don't let them take me. I would rather stay here. Please......your dungeon is nicer I bet. Please Castor.....

My mind begged and cried out to him, and I looked at him feverishly.

Abruptly one of the guards pried my hands together on my back and cuffed them.

The other grabbed my neck from behind and forced me to walk.

Once outside I took in the beautiful mansion grounds but soon to be brought back by a rough hang pushing me forward until I came to a stop in front of a black heavy built jeep.  

"Let's go little girl ".


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