Cast of Characters

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Reverend Alex Duchesne. Vicar of St Jude's, Sweetchurch. Fond of single malt whisky and Nick Cave records. Has spent the last ten years telling everyone he's quitting smoking, but we all know that's a lie. Wears black, even when he doesn't have to.

Bill Havelock. The new owner of Gatehouse Books, Sweetchurch's only bookshop. Not at all what the Reverend was expecting.

Detective Sergeant Hugo Doyle. The third best Detective in Bristol. Only caught the Sweetchurch case because the two best detectives in Bristol had taken their kids to Disney World for the summer holidays.

Ida Salisbury. The Reverend's housekeeper and secretary. No-one is quite sure how old Ida is but 'ancient' is the general consensus.

Bastien Lynch. A rock star of the Shakespearean stage until a routine traffic stop on the M4 went spectacularly awry. Now being forced to rejuvenate his career by playing provincial art festivals.

Leticia Moore. Bastien Lynch's long suffering agent and possibly the only person capable of drinking the Reverend under the table. Wouldn't say no to taking advantage of that situation if the opportunity ever arose.

Bishop Amos Wheate. Reverend Duchesne's boss. His one and only hobby involves writing lengthy letters of complaint to the Archbishop regarding the Reverend's poor example to his flock. Oh, if only he knew.

Dr Phineas Cleaver. Sweetchurch's GP and resident true crime buff. When a dead body drops in his lap during the Sweetchurch Arts Festival he could not be more delighted.

Meadow Cleaver. Dr Cleaver's 17 year old daughter. Prone to incorrect use of the word 'literally'. Horrified to find herself living in, like, literally the dullest village ever.

Rafiq Butt. Solicitor for most of the inhabitants of Sweetchurch. Knows way too much. Will probably get bumped off at some point.

Jerico Watson. Every village has an idiot and Sweetchurch is proud to have Jerico Watson. Rumour has it he and Ida had a thing back in the day. The day being some time during the Napoleonic Wars.

Roger and Sonia Cartmell. Own The Black Dog public house. They also own Goliath, a very real black dog who is largely responsible for the village's high turnover of postmen.

Freddie Lanstone. Owner of Montague Hall Hotel and Spa, just outside Sweetchurch. Likes to pass himself off as a member of the landed gentry but everyone in Sweetchurch knows he made his money from a chain of dodgy second-hand car dealerships in Essex.

Barney Gatehouse. The previous owner of Gatehouse Books. Now deceased, although when we join the action Barney is stubbornly refusing to stay dead.

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