01: Lack of Virtue

Start from the beginning

The man was peculiar in appearance with his brunette and peaking ginger hair flicked to one side, slicked with gel. The male was scruffy looking with his grown out beard, skinny figure and pirate dress up. The man would have been made a fool of in the day, those who demanded their opinion to be listened to would point and laugh, they would make fun of him because he was different. Clarissa had to admit that even though he dressed strangely he was no unattractive. The man had that strange appearance that was so peculiar that somehow it was handsome.

The man was taken back by actions as if he did not expect her to notice him... As if he thought it was easy to get to her... A grave mistake.

"Now, now. You must be one daring man to sneak up on the likes of me." She teased as she stayed put, her finger close to pulling the trigger. "I will give you less than a minute, Sugar, to explain what you are doing here."

"Ms. falls, if you please just put the gun down, we can sort this out peacefully... We can settle this like adults." The man tried to calm her manic nature, knowing full well that one incorrect word would gain him a toothy grin and a bullet between the eyes.

"Hmm? Like adults? You tellin' me you've seen a load of kids with guns, Sugar?" Clarissa said, plucking and playing with the bearded man's words. The cool metal of the gun felt absolutely delicious against her pale skin, ready to be used to end a life... To spill the blood of the pirate even if it meant the loss of his handsome face and beautiful British accent.

"That is not the point to be taking from this, I need your help. Please, I am not here to hurt you. My name is Rip Hunter and I only wish for your assistance." Rip almost begged, which caused satisfaction to grow inside the pit of her stomach. Oh, how Clarissa loved it when her prey begged, like a cat and mouse story.

"You must be desperate to be asking for my help, a criminal. I am terribly sorry my darling. But, you've got the wrong meta-human. I would say next time ask the flash, but I doubt there will be a next time." she cackled, her grip only tightening around the gun as she stepped dangerously closer to Rip.

"The world is in danger Ms Falls and whether you acknowledge it or not, you have great assets that could benefit the survival of the human race." The man was embarrassingly begging for her help, which only caused her mouth to widen in another grin, they were becoming more sinister... Her red lips giving her the appearance of the joker.

"Do you tend to look at girls assets Mr Hunter? I thought the British were meant to be gentlemen."

"I can save your brother!" Rip blurted out, and with that Clarissa's eyes widened to the point of falling out in surprise. How dare he.

"Y-You filthy, manipulative little shi-" Clarissa yelled in fury.

"I am not lying Ms Falls."

A desperate move, a truly stupid and desperate move on his behalf. Her family was dead and there was no way she would ever see them alive again... In a second of weakness, the gun lowered. That was her first mistake as within that second a blinding light had knocked her on her behind and forced her to slip into the realm of dreams.

The evening had moved forward while the group had slept soundlessly on top of the roof, unaware of a pacing Rip Hunter who was eager to simply get on with his personal mission. As he stared down at the soon to be a group of 'legends', he exhaled dramatically... Ready to put a stop to a tyrant and right all the wrongs that had followed since.

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