Chapter 6

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"Two diet cokes and a tea," the waitress said setting glasses on the table.

Mat said "thanks" and she left.

"Look, you both got diet coke." Stephanie said desperately hoping we would find it interesting.

"Yeah, because that's so unusual for me," Matthew said incredibly deadpan.

"My point was that she got one too." Steph said. I had been hoping this would go unnoticed.

"Yeah that is interesting." mat said. I'd never seen him this nervous and awkward. Then again I'd never seen him when he wasn't on camera until today. "Anyway..." It also might have been because he was talking to a non-responsive jellyfish of a sister.

"So, you did say you liked Kirby's epic yarn." Steph said trying to get a conversation started. "any other video games you like?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I love zelda and mario. thinking about it now I don't really like hard games, which is weird. One who wants to be the guy I am not."

"You've heard of I wanna be the guy? That's one of My favorite games."Mat said.

"Yeah..." Crap. I really needed to stop bringing up things I'd learned about from game theory. "but like I said, I don't like it much- not that it's bad! I just suck at it so I haven't played much of it. I'm not great with rage games or terrific at platformers. I mean, I like it in theory, I just suck." realizing I'd just said theory I had to bite my lip just to keep from saying 'but that's just a theory, a game theory!'

"Yeah, well cool," he said "whats your favorite zelda game?"

"Not link to the past!" I blurted out. Im an idiot, I really am an idiot. "I thought that'd be funny, why did I think that would be funny? I've only ever actually gotten to play zelda 1, wind waker and skyward sword. it's almost embarrassing. I did try zelda 2 on an emulator once, but I don't really count it. I lasted 5 minutes since I'm too stubborn to use a walkthrough. Yeah, I suck! But anyway, if I were to pick a favorite game... I think I'd have to say life is strange."

"Uh... Yeah, life is strange is great." Mat said having taken a minute to catch up with my erratic train of thought. "we actually played it on the livestream."

"Ya did?" I said trying far too hard too sound surprised. That way they'd never suspect I not only knew already, but had sobbed numerous times while watching their play through.

"Yeah... it was-"

The waitress walked up pizzas in hand, my saving grace. "hey, here you go." She said and set down the trays.

"Thank you." Steph said and the waitress left.

They both looked at me expectantly. I glanced around trying to figure out what was going on. "you gonna try it?" Mat said.

I looked down. cheeseburger pizza. there it was. in all it's hot cheesy glory. I very self consciously, picked up a piece and took a bite. It was... strong. good, but strong. I realized they were still staring at me and almost felt a wave of stage fright hit me. or at least something like it. I smiled and said "heh, I hope Jason'll want most of a cheeseburger pizza. Not all just most."

"Strong, right?" Mat said.

"Yeah, apparently this is just one of those foods that's so heavy it's daunting, even with jet lag. by the way, to explain that joke if I could, for me jet lag consists mostly of immense hunger and little to nothing else." That's not me telling you that by the way, I said that out loud.

The rest of dinner went fairly smoothly. We didn't say much else and it was a bit awkward but regardless it felt kinda nice just being around them. I guess all those months of watching the livestream gave me a head start on being comfortable around them. In some ways at least. I didn't think Mat hated me any more which was a plus, but he almost seemed as nervous as I was. in a way it was comforting, but it did feel a bit weird. anyway, then we drove home. They almost forgot to show me where I'd be sleeping.

"Oh, " Steph said as she started leading me through the house. "here's the guest room."

"Thanks." I said as she left. I looked around to see my backpack and suitcase sitting by the door. I guessed someone had put them there while I wasn't looking. I went to them and grabbed my pair of pajamas with Eeyore I the front. I locked the door, then changed into them and sat on the bed. it was only 8 o'clock aka way before my 'bedtime'. Still though it had been a long day. I was tired and at this point my head was starting to spin from everything that had happened. Not to mention the fact that I'd lost 3 hours to time change. by the time I finished listing reasons for me to go to sleep I was dreaming them rather than thinking them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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