He did little to mask his surprise at my words. “You won’t?”

“No. Not after a threat like that. He could just be waiting on me. Besides I don’t think your wolf could handle it.”

Nor could I. A familiar voice said.

I froze. My wolf. I could feel her again. She was coming back.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Kieran questioned with worry. His eyes roamed over my face looking for any sign of what could be wrong.

I shook my head and smiled. “No. It’s not- It’s nothing. I just- I think I heard my wolf.”

I had felt her another time before, but this time she had spoken to me so clearly. It had been weeks since I heard anything from her.

Kieran looked surprised then pleased. “You think she’s back?”

I couldn’t even begin to explain how happy I was.

“I don’t know, maybe.” I threw my arms around Kieran and grinned before placing a kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”

He chuckled, his eyes slowly turning back to it familiar color. “For what?”

“Everything. It’s because of you that she’s coming back. I couldn’t have done it alone.”

His hands traveled through my hair and he smiled back at me. “You have more strength than you think you do. Give yourself more credit. You’re the one who didn’t give up on yourself.”

Hmm. I hadn’t ever thought of it like that. I guess he was right in a way. He still helped me though. I may have come out of my depression, but he was the one who brought me out. Since then I’ve just been taking it a day at a time.

“She likes you, you know. My wolf. She’s grateful. I could feel it in her words and presence however brief.”

“She’s not alone. My wolf likes her too. He likes all of you.”

I blushed. I could tell.

“Every day he pushes me to mate you. That’s why I had to leave so early this morning. I couldn’t bear to be in the room when you got ready. I’m not sure I could control myself. It gets harder every day. He’s had a taste of you and now he wants more. I’ve thought about leaving you for a while to give us some space, but I know it would only make it worse.”

I heart clenched. He’d leave me? His confession sent a pain through me. I’d experienced worse, but the panic was unsettling. I didn’t want him to leave me. It was the bond that was making him this way. It was driving us both crazy. Him more than me though. He had his wolf back. I didn’t.

“What should we do?”

I knew that was a dumb question. I knew what had to do; I just hoped that he could offer up a better alternative. I still wanted to know him better before taking that next step in our relationship. I didn’t want to give that up to him just yet.

“I’ve actually been thinking about that,” he admitted. “I know you’re still not ready to do what in expected of us so I’ve came up with an idea.”

“What?” I was all too eager to hear.

“I don’t know if it will work or not, but we could try it.”

I nodded. “Sure. Anything.”

“Well, it my wolf who wants more. He wants a better claim on you. He feels like you might try reject us like Jasmine did and he can’t have that. Mating you is the only thing that will ensure that.”

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