My sisters room- true

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So I'm having my room re decorated which means I have to sleep in my sisters room until it's finished


Her room is extremely creepy. At night she use to get really scared (still does sometimes) and demands for her wardrobe door to be shut, and some nights if it's open she will go into full on panic attack unless it's shut.

Now, I live in a Victorian house and most of the house has been decorated so it looks Morden and up to date but my sisters wardrobe wasn't, it still had the old wallpaper, plus even though the house is decorated to look Morden it is still extremely creepy and dark, it's strange.

Now she has a walk in wardrobe, and it's right in the coner of her room, but her room is a really odd shape. It's basically a square/rectangle shape with a right angled triangle ontop. The bit where the right angles point in her rooms meets is where the wardrobe is, so it's in the dark part of the room (which looks horrifying in the dark)

Anyway the back of the wardrobe is a wall, the other side of the wall is where the main bathroom and is the wall where the sink is attacked to

Now after all the details are clear I'll get into the creepy stuff I noticed while being in here

1) this I've noticed for a while but made a connection to- so the taps in the main bathroom are always running when you enter the bathroom. ALWAYS. At first I thought that people in the house are forgetting to turn the taps off (which doesn't make since since it's too frequent and they aren't people who's forget and sometimes the tap is at the highest amount of water coming out so it can't be Ignored) but yeah but it kept happening. At night you'd just here the tap running and you'd have to go and then it off.  One time I washed my hands and I remember turning the tap off. I left the bathroom and went into my bedroom then came out a few minutes later and the tap was on.

2) so while in my sisters room, i sleep facing the door, well the door is too my side but I'm at the distance away  where I'm facing it.

My sisters room leads out into the landing and the balcony is right next to it. Anyway one night I was in my iPad before sleeping and i saw something dark that moved. I looked up and I saw what looked like the face of a little boy. I don't know if my mind was playing tricks but a few moments later I saw it again and it moved back out.

Now I know my mind might be playing ticks but maybe there is a boy and he's messing with the taps or something. Or I'm just crazy, I'll never know. But it was creepy

3) my cat- so the other day my cat was upstairs and I herd a noise, like footsteps (I was home alone) but they were soft so I passed it as nothing. But then I herd my cat made a crying noise then he came running down and when he reached the living room he began to like throw himself around and jumping off stuff like he does when he's scared.

Okay so my house does give off creepy vibes in the daytime aswell and also so many other things I have noted in this story take place but I'm really wanting to focus on my sisters room, since that's where I've been staying)

I'll update if anything else happens because I'm still in her room since my room is still being decorated (yay)

All this could have some logically explanation Behind them, but flesh (I wrote for but flesh came out...)scare purpose we will say it's a ghost ahaha

Short scary story's I've madeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें