"He died before you were born"

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Right so this is a true story I just remember today and pieced all the pieces together today.

So when I was little I would spent a lot of time with my nana and grandad. I remember that after we went to Asda or the garden centre we would go to my  nanas mums house.

I would remember going and there being a old man who was quiet and no one talked to and I thought that that was my nanas dad and I had seen pictures of him and it looked like him.

So this would happen until my nanas mum passed away and I never went back to the house.

A few years later when I was still young me and my nana were talking about how we use to visit her mum (my great great nana) and I told my nana that we also visited her dad and she told me that he had died before I was born so I couldn't have met him. Being young and dumb I thought "ha she's stupid I remember meeting him"

Today is when I realised how Scary this whole situation. How could I have met him when he had died before me....like had I seem his ghost or something?!

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