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It was an average day in 1896 Ishval. Nothing was out of order. The man known as William Miles was visiting the country of his grandfather's origin, Ishval. Everything seemed peaceful. That is, until he heard something. Curious, he followed the sound until he came across something awful. Lying on the ground was a couple dead bodies, one belonging to a man and another a female, and a crying baby. Getting closer to the infant was who William could only assume was the murderer of the parents. Not wanting to stand by, William hurried to pick up the infant and kick the other male on the chest, causing him to stumble back. "Who do you think you are attacking an innocent infant like this?" William asked. The infant in his arms seemed to calm down at the sound of his voice. Right when the other was about to say something, two Military men came in and apprehended the guy. "You'll pay for this," the guy said. William said nothing and just stared, holding the infant. He would ask a soldier about the infant, but he knew that they would probably reject it and tell him to go away. However, when he turned to leave, one of the soldiers spoke to him. "What happened here?" Red eyes looked over a shoulder. "I don't know. When I got here, the parents were already dead and he was advancing on the baby," William said. "Now if you don't mind, I'll be raising the baby as if it were my own." And with that, the red eyed and white haired male walked off in the direction he had been facing, holding the infant to his chest. Fortunately, the baby hadn't cried the entire time.
Five years passed and little Kathryn McMurray ran into her father, William Miles', arms.  "Daddy!" She cried out. "Hey pumpkin," he said, scooping her up and holding her close. When he saw her expression, he asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen at school?" Kathryn nodded. "A group of students are being mean to me because you're part of the Amestrian military." At that, a soft sigh escaped the elder male. "Don't listen to them princess. They're just jealous." Smiling, Kathryn hugged her father tightly. "I love you daddy," she said. That made William smile as well. "And I love you sweetie."
The year is 1908. A military officer higher up than William had stopped by his office to tell him something. When there was a knock at his door, William looked up from what he was doing. "Who is it?" He asked. "Captain Roy Mustang," came the voice from the other side. "Come in," William said. In walked the dark haired, dark eyed Captain to see Second Lieutenant William Miles at his desk, a twelve year old Ishvalan girl standing next to him looking at his work. William looked up at Roy. "What is it you need from me sir?" William asked. "Well, I'll be leaving soon to go back to the battlefield in Ishval for a certain event I probably shouldn't mention because of the girl here, but apparently Führer Bradley wants to station you somewhere else," Roy told. William's eyebrow raised at that and the girl looked up at Roy. "He wants to station you at Fort Briggs under the command of Olivier Mira Armstrong," Roy informed. At that, William's eyes widened. "Where is Fort Briggs dad?" The girl asked and tugged on William's sleeve while looking at him. "So, he wants to send me to the north does he?" William asked as he placed a hand on his twelve year old daughter's head. Kathryn's eyes widened at that. "When does he want me to leave?" A soft sound escaped Roy. "As soon as possible. Don't want anything happening to you or your daughter." William nodded and looked at the girl. "Well Kathryn, I guess we'll be making our leave then." Getting up, William got his work together before getting a hold of Kathryn's hand and guiding her out of the military building they're in. Later, when Kathryn left her house carrying what she needed for the time she and her father would be spending at Fort Briggs, two of the bullies from school saw her. "If it isn't the military girl," one sneered. "Where do you think you're going?" The other asked. "Fort Briggs in the north," Kathryn supplied. "Why does it matter to you? It's not like it's affecting you in anyway." At that moment, William had just walked out when she said something else. "Just because you have mommy and daddy issues doesn't mean you can pick on others, especially those of a different race than you." That seemed to shut them up and leave her alone. A smile crossed William's face when he heard that. "Good job, my little muffin." Kathryn looked behind her and smiled when she saw it was her father. "Ready to go?" He asked. The twelve year old Ishvalan girl nodded. "I am dad." She then took hold of his hand after putting her backpack on her back and grabbing her other bag in her other hand. The duo then made their way to the north. "Who was it you were calling?" Kathryn asked and looked up at William. "Your school to let them know you're not coming back," William said.
It may have taken a while, but the father/daughter duo made it to North City. They had put on their winter jackets. Kathryn had also put on a warmer shirt and boots that went to her knees. They had stopped at one of the shops in the city to get food for the journey. "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but could you show me the direction Fort Briggs is in?" William asked the cashier. Apparently he hadn't noticed Kathryn place a pair of snow-blindness goggles with the stuff they're buying. "Yeah, it's that way," the cashier said and pointed in the direction. "But why would you want to go there?" "Führer Bradley stationed me there," William responded with immediately. "Oh, you're a member of the military? I can't believe they let one of you in," the cashier sneered. At that, William slammed his fist on the counter, bringing a look of surprise to Kathryn and the cashier's faces. He never usually acted out like that. "I'll have you know, I'm actually Amestrian born. It just so happens that my paternal grandfather's Ishvalan blood runs strong in me." William then glared at her. "Besides, I'm trying to work from the inside to get the Amestrian people change how they view us Ishvalans." And with that, he paid for everything and took the bag it was all in and left. Kathryn followed close behind him. They were both unaware of what was exactly going on in Ishval. The two did stop when they were close so they could eat. However, the first thing that William came across wasn't food. When he pulled it out, he found it was the snow-blindness goggles. "How did this get in there?" He asked. He then looked at Kathryn. "Did you do this?" A smile crossed Kathryn's face and she nodded. "Yeah. Got it for you dad." William smiled at her response. "Thank you Kitty Kat," he said and placed a hand on her head. "I appreciate it." Kathryn smiled more at that. Not long after, a light shone on the two, causing the two to cover their eyes and look in the direction the light was coming from. "Who's there?" A female voice called out from above. "Second Lieutenant William Miles and his daughter Kathryn," William called back. "Führer Bradley stationed me here at Fort Briggs. May I ask who you are?" There was a moment of silence before the light turned off and there stood a female with long, blonde hair, part of which covered her right eye. From the looks of it, her left eye is a deep blue and they could assume the other was the same color. With her is a couple other Briggs soldiers. When he saw her, William immediately stood straight and one thought came to mind. She's so beautiful. Kathryn looked at her father and saw the faint blush on his face. "I'm Olivier Mira Armstrong, leader here at Briggs." Olivier looked over William and Kathryn, who had lowered their arms. "Ah, Ishvalans. You two could be of use to us. Come with me," she said and turned. William was quick to fall into step by her and Kathryn was walking alongside him, the other two Briggs soldiers falling behind them. Kathryn looked around before getting a hold of William's hand. He gripped her hand tightly and leaned close to her, saying, "It's going to be alright," so only she could hear. "You said you name is Miles, right?" Olivier asked. William looked and straightened. "Yes sir. Why do you ask?" Olivier looked over her shoulder. "I got word from central that during the Ishvalan extermination, your family was among the ones that didn't make it." That made William come to a sudden halt and he felt his heart clench. "Who ordered the extermination?" He couldn't help but ask. "Führer Bradley and his Order 3066," Olivier told. Kathryn couldn't believe what she and her father were hearing. Her eyes had widened and she stood next to William. "Why?" William was asking quietly. "Why would he send Kathryn and I here when he knows we're Ishvalan?"

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