Chapter 2

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The walk to my car was uncomfortably awkward. Ashton kept a few feet distance between us while we walked across the field to my car.

I turned around just to make sure he was still behind me and saw him lifting the bottom of his shirt, wiping away excess sweat running down his forehead.

"It's not too much further. Just at the end of this street." He seemed like he didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was speaking and kept his gaze straight past me.

I pursed my lips to keep from saying a remark to his rude attitude. A rush of relief hit me when I saw the pastel blue of my Pontiac peeping its way behind an SUV.

A couple of girls in sweatshirts, shorts and uggs walked past us. What kind of mixed up outfit was that? I heard them giggle and say, "Hey, Ashton."

"Hey ladies," he said in a smooth accent. I remember Alli reading me an article about him saying how he was originally from Australia or something like that. The tone in his voice was much more jolly and happy than it was a few minutes ago. I mentally shook my head and pulled my keys out from my shoulder bag and went around to unlock his door.

He strode past me and sat in, slamming the door shut. He couldn't even be bothered to say a simple 'thank you'? I bet he would've said it to those two girls. I huffed out an irritated breath and made my way to the driver's side and got in.

"You know, you don't have to be such an ass," I retorted, shutting the door. Turning the key to start the ignition, the car started to hum.

"Let's just get this over with. I have to go back to practice." Ashton stared out the window at the field and I pulled out to drive back to the journalism department across campus.

"I'm sorry you have to do this. This isn't exactly how I planned on spending my first term either but we have to just suck it up and get it over with," I snapped. I gripped at the steering wheel to control my anger with this kid.

"I'm not sucking anything up because I'm not doing it so stop talking and just get me to your damn professor so I can fix this."

I opened my mouth to respond but closed it because I realized this ass wasn't worth any of my time. Hopefully Professor Laney did somehow manage to mix up the names and I was really assigned some nice and kindhearted student instead of this jerk. I didn't know how much of his attitude I could handle.

Once I pulled into the parking lot of the building, he bolted out of the the car and speed walked in. I cursed under my breath and I scurried out of my car to catch up to him. There was a reason I didn't do sports and that was because all of my energy was consumed within seconds when I ran so once I reached the doors, I was drained.

Ashton was already in Professor Laney's room when I walked in.

"This is some sort of mistake. I didn't sign up to have some...some interviewer follow me around, a term at that!" He shouted.

"Mr. Irwin, I emailed you and a handful of other students be part of this assignment and I can be sure that you replied back saying you agreed."

"Sir, I'm sorry but that's complete bullshit."

"I would love to show you the email to prove myself," Laney offered and walked over to his laptop and typed a few things into it. He took a step back to allow Ashton to look at the screen. He placed his palm against the desk and leaned down and read what I'm assuming was the email.

"This is some sort of fucking joke. I don't remember emailing you that."

"Well it was sent late in the night so maybe you weren't exactly in the right state of mind," Laney said, stating that possibly he was drunk.

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