Red Riding Hood: She-Wolf

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  • Dedicated to ICanIWill

The moon hung over the sky, bathing the forest in a soft, silvery glow. Deep in the trees, a dozen pair of eyes reflected the moonlight.

A tall, lean wolf with black fur slunk out from the underbrush, lips curled over its fangs in a silent snarl. A larger wolf stepped out from the forest, the moonlight highlighting its light grey fur. Both of the wolves growled at each other, their eyes dark. Moving at blinding speed, the smaller black wolf lunged at the bigger wolf's throat, but was swatted aside by a massive paw. The black wolf staggered to its feet, growling and ducked under a swipe aimed at her head, and rammed its head into the other wolf's chest.

The grey wolf was knocked back and before it could move, the smaller wolf pounced, snarling and biting at anything it could sink it's fangs into.

The larger wolf howled in pain and shook off the other wolf, snapping down on it's one of its opponent's ears. The darker wolf whimpered but shook its head free, twisting to take a large bite of the other wolf's shoulder.

The grey wolf dodged and ran its shoulder into the other wolf's side, clamping down painfully on the black wolf's hind leg. A large, horrible cracking sound cut through the air, followed by the howls of agony from the injured wolf.

The two wolves continued to fight, their blood staining the ground. The rest of the pack watched the fight unblinkingly, neither of them daring to step out of the safety the trees provided.

The grey wolf swatted the smaller wolf aside, the force of the blow knocking it off its paws. The black wolf struggled to its feet but was knocked back down not a moment later. For a moment, the grey wolf seemed to glow before the light faded. In the place of the grey wolf stood a beautiful woman with hair so fair it gleamed like starlight. Her eyes were pale blue chips of ice set above a small, aristocratic nose and full red lips.

The she-wolf glared down at her opponent and bared her teeth. "You have lost the Challenge and therefore you are no longer worthy to be called my pack-sister. You have until the moon is high in the sky tomorrow night to leave my territory. If we find you still within our borders we will kill you." The woman flipped her hair over her shoulder and howled her victory at the moon and to all the other creatures of the forest. She had won the Challenge; she had won the right to be Alpha.

After a few heartbeats, the rest of the pack joined their Alpha in song. A small brown wolf glanced back to where the fallen Beta had lain but found the ground to be empty save a small puddle of blood. She had disappeared, never to be seen by her pack again on pain of death.

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