Ultimate Reality

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Shaleigh is an average 17 year old girl. But when a cool new game comes out called Ultimate Reality everything changes. Ultimate Reality is a game where you put on the headset and you are whisked away to a different dimension. Literally. You choose what you want your character to look like, then you play. It’s like a whole new world in that headset. But what is the true reason that it was created? And why doesn’t anyone other than Shaleigh notice that there aren’t any directions to get back to their own world? Strange right? Well,...it gets weirder. Whoever buys the game seemingly disappears from earth. It goes unnoticed by everyone until Shaleigh’s little sister goes missing while playing. Is anyone safe from this ultimate reality?


“Oh my god, oh my god! Have you heard of the new game that just came out. It’s supposed to be like the best game this year. I am totally gonna get or else my life will be ruined!” Yep, that’s my sister. And that’s when she is on the phone. Just wait until you see her talk to her friends in person. You’ll be right beside me waiting to strangle her.

I mean seriously, it’s just a game. I honestly don’t get what the big deal is. If she knew that I was thinking these thoughts, she would hang me from my thumbs until I said sorry. Trust me, she has tried before.

I almost succeeded in walking away. Almost being the key word. Luckily for her, but very unlucky for me, she got off the phone right as I got to the door. My hand was on the doornob when she said stop.

“What?” This is getting annoying. I’m pretty sure she brought me in here for a reson, but her phone rang before she told me. By the look on her face, I knew I was going to get yelled at. So, here were my choices; stay where I am and listen to what she has to say, or make a run for it and most probably get tackled to the ground.

Hmm, not a very hard decision. I choose “RUN!” Did I mention that my friend was in here too? Guess not. Oh well. 

“You get back here so I can rip the hair out of your head!”

“You are not helping you situation. Why the poodles would I want to get the hair ripped out of my head?” Yes, you heard correctly. I said poodles. I hate swearing so I just say the first thing that comes to mind in place of the swear. Libby and Willow always crack up at that. I just don’t see what’s so funny about it. Anywhoo, back to the problem at hand.

By the time I reached the door and looked back Libby was on the floor laughing the glitter off her face and Willow was still standing quietly in the corner where I left her, but now she was smirking. The traitor!

I was reaching for the doorknob again, when Libby finally tackled me to the floor. I so called that! “You have to lend me the money to but that game!”

“Why can’t you get the money by yourself? You are 16. That’s old enough to get a job! Then when you get the job, you’ll have money. Magical right!?”

“But a job is sooooooo much work and it takes sooooooooo much energy! Before I can get any job I have to aply. That will take forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and eve---”

“Alright!! Just shut your jellybean hole!”


“How much exactly is this game?”

“Umm, well... It’s, umm, 100 bucks.”


“You already said you would pay.”

“Fine whatever, but I expect all the money back soon. And do me a favor.”


“Remind me to never have kids. I give in wayy to easily.”

“K! Love ya sis!!”


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2011 ⏰

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