16 The Beginning Of The Prank War

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"I can't drive numbskull."I flicked her forehead and went back to my phone.

"Oh yeah. Well then you can be babysitter if you don't want to drink. Charlie can take us home."

"Who is 'us' anyway?"

"You, me, Danny, Todd, Amy, probably Josh too."

"Todd and Amy are not coming with us and Josh will go with his friends and get hammered with them." I said as I continued my game of colour switch.

"Well then it'll just be us three and we'll meet everyone else there." Zara continued trying to persuade me to go. At least if I went I could keep an eye on my extremely lightweight friend and boyfriend if I needed to.

"Fine, I'll go, but as babysitter only. No alcohol will pass my lips." I vowed.

"YES!" Zara yelled in triumph. I laughed at her childishness and we continued our evening, watching films and eating food. "Ugh, what the hell?" She exclaimed as she bit into an oreo. I looked at her weirdly as she spat out the half eaten oreo.


"It's toothpaste!" She yelled in frustration. Zara likes oreos... A lot. I glared down at the packet to see every single oreo filled with toothpaste. I got up off of my bed and opened my bedroom door.

"Better luck next time dickwad, you didn't get me this time!" I shouted down the hall. I slammed my door before anyone could say anything.

"Why didn't you invite Danny over then?" Zara asked once the whole oreo thing was put behind us.

"Are you mad? I have four older brothers." I mumbled as I pulled loads of plastic cups out from under my bed.

"Oh yeah. They don't know about him yet then?" I pulled the huge jug of water up onto my desk and began filling cups.

"No, and you aren't saying anything. Charlie nearly did and I threw a spanner at his head." I grumbled out the memory as Zara came over to help me with the cup filling process.

"Fair enough. Who's getting the cups?"

"The twins." I said quietly. "I'll have to do it when they're all asleep, same with my prank for Josh."


A while later nearly all of the pranks had been done and some of the cups had been filled, all we had to do was wait up a few more hours before transporting the cups filled with water and placing them all haphazardly around the twins' bedroom. I fell back onto my bed and switched my bedside lamp on only to see a massive spider inside of it. I screamed loudly and fell off of the back of my bed, shuffling towards my door as fast as I could. I threw my door open and at outside of it gasping, trying to calm myself down. A few minutes later James came out of his room panting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a dog.

"Fiyah, FIYAH!" He yelled as he sprinted into the bathroom. I laughed quietly when I saw the pack of donuts thrown down on the floor.

Zara eventually came out of the room and showed me a plastic spider that had been taped onto my lampshade.

"Arseholes." I mumbled to myself as I put an ear up to Josh's door to be met with silence. I grinned and grabbed the keyboard from my room and the air horn before sneaking my way into Josh's. I hastily plugged the keyboard back in and taped the air horn underneath his computer chair, so when he sat it would go off. I ran back out of the dimly lit room when he began stirring slightly. I closed the door as quietly as I could and ran back towards my room, not quite going in yet though. I stole a glance at the Leo and Liam's room to see light coming from the bottom of the door, illuminating the hallway floor a little. I went back into my room again and started watching films with Zara whilst we waited for all of the boys to fall asleep. I checked my phone before the film and saw that it was just gone eleven at night. Just a little while longer and we could pull off the final prank.

About halfway through the film Danny started texting me.

Hey Babe, I rang a girl called Alice and a boy named Gabe for Charlie's blackmailing.

Yeah? What are they like? Hopefully not too psycho.

Nah, they're relatively normal considering they willingly went out with my brother.

Omg! XD Did they say that they'd come up?

Yep, both of them, same day, same time. It's gonna be good! XD

You are evil!

Hey, it was your idea!

True... So when's it going down?

Saturday at 3

I'll be there! XD

See you tomorrow xx

See you xx

"You seem happy. What's got you so smiley?"

"Danny texted me about the blackmailing thing."

"It's going ahead?" I nodded. "What happened?"

"I went to the garage today and he works there now and he couldn't keep his big mouth shut apparently, so I threw a spanner at his head before leaving without a word. I sincerely hope he didn't say anything else, because if he did, he will have some crazy exes on his tail..." I trailed off at the thought of him running away from a herd of exes.

"What an idiot." Zara mumbled as she stuck her hand into the popcorn bowl again. I let out a quiet breath of laughter and looked over at my door which was slightly open to see complete darkness in the hallway. I grinned and poked Zara before pointing to the cups on my desk and the door. She smirked evilly and stood from the bed slowly, ensuring that it didn't creak like usual, before tiptoeing to the desk and taking the rest of the plastic cups out of the stack to fill them with water.

A long while later we had finally filled every cup we had with cold water. We carefully took them into the twins room and began placing them all around the entire room. Once the room was filled with cups, leaving no spaces, we closed the bedroom door as best we could without knocking the water over. Thankfully, these boys were deep sleepers, and therefore easy to prank. I gave Zara a high-five once we got back downstairs and picked up two glasses, filling them both with water and adding some ice. I picked up a small piece of cardboard and carefully made my way up the stairs. Zara opened Nick's door for me so that I could pull the prank. I placed the fake USB into one of the glasses and placed the cardboard on top before quickly and carefully flipping the glass over onto his bedside table. I removed the cardboard and grinned when I saw that the USB just looked like it was under an empty cup. I repeated the process with the other glass but I put a phone case inside it. Before leaving his room I picked up the real USB and his phone, taking them both into my room.

"That's probably the meanest prank you've pulled on the poor boy! He's gonna have a heart attack." Zara chuckled as I flopped into my bed. I grinned up at her and shrugged slightly. I checked the time on my phone before switching everything off and getting ready for bed. Zara was staying the night, so she slipped out of her clothes and into some pyjamas that she usually left here before sliding into my double bed. I got in soon after and fell asleep to the memories of the pranks that were pulled today.

Kinda rushed ngl and I'm sure there are some issues that need resolving so if you find any please do let me know :) please leave a vote and a comment or two before finding your next story if it's not too much trouble!
Until next time!


The Thompsons.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora