Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty - Sorry
"Is it to late now to say sorry, cause I'm missing more than just you're body"

"Hello." I say putting the cell to my ear.
"Hey Joseph. You don't know me but I'm Tabby, Eliza's best friend." The female says.
"How'd you get my number?" I ask, stunned.
"Her brother. Now that's not why I'm calling. You need to talk to her before she goes to Italy with that idiot." She says.
"Italy!?!" I ask.
"Yeah she called me crying yesterday cause she misses you and some Jaime dude asked her to go to Italy with him." She says.
"Jaime eh?" I chide, anger flowing through me.
"Yeah, she loves you Joe and is hurting. Talk to her before she does something stupid. Like going to Italy with a dude that has feelings for her." She says.
Before I could say anything, she says "she needs you, don't tell her I called you. Not a word or I'll find you and you'll regret it. Bye." The phone clicks and she's gone.
Italy!?! With Jaime!?! What the actual fuck!
I stand up and furiously throw on a pair of jeans and rush out the door.
"Jaime stop, I can't breathe." I huff between laughs.
"Apologize" he says tickling my sides more.
"I....didn'" I state.
He tickles me harder.
"I' I'm sorry." I giggle.
"That's better." He says, pulling away with a smirk on his lips and a glint in his eyes.
"Jerk." I huff, catching my breathe and slightly pushing him.
"Only for my Ellie-bug." He says.
"Shut up." I say, standing up.
"I'm going to get more popcorn." I say.

"Joe??" I gasp.
"Hello, El." He smirks.
"Joe??" I hear Ellie gasp.
What the hell is he doing here? I huff before I stand walk to Ellie.
"Hello,El." Joe says.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I exclaim, putting a protective arm around Ellie.
"Talk to her. What's it to you Jaime?" He asks, humor in his tone but anger in his eyes and pointing to Ellie.
"She doesn't want you here." I say, holding as much force as I can in my voice.
"Eliza, do you want me here?" He asks her.
"Ellie-bug?" I ask, looking to her face.
"Ellie-bug?" He snorts.
Her body tenses.
"J-Joe, what d-d-do you want to talk to me a-about?" Ellie stutters out.
"Italy huh, with this idiot? Never took you as a whore." He says.
She gasps.
"Hey now watch it buddy!" I glare.
"Seriously, El, look at him, is this why you left me, for him?" He asks, moving closer a bit and stumbling . Clearly drunk.
"Whoa now drunk ass don't come closer." I warn.
"D-drunk??" Ellie mutters.
"I left you cause you cheated, not because of Jaime!" She yells, balling her fists, clearly realizing he's drunk.
"I bet you did, whore." He snorts.
"I DID HOW DARE YOU COME TO MY HOUSE AND ACCUSE ME OF SUCH SHIT!!?!" She screams, slamming her fists into his chest.
"Ellie-bug?" I say pulling her away.
"Get the fuck off of me!! I can handle myself." She pulls from my grip.
"El?" He says, almost pleadingly.
"No, Joe, I thought I could trust you but time and time again you do nothing but hurt me. I loved you Joe, still do but how can I love you if I can't trust you?" She ask, turning away from him.
The urge to pull her into my arms is strong but I know she doesn't want that right now.
"How can you say you love me, when you're going to Italy with him?!?" He asks, pointing to me.
I look to Ellie waiting for her answer.
"I don't love him, Joe, I don't even like him the same. I'm going because he needs me. He needs a friend." She sighs.

My heart falls to the floor.
He needs a friend.
Wow, this is definitely not how I wanted to tell Jaime.
I look to him and I see his face fall.
"Jaime?" I mutter.
He stands and walks from the room.
"You just ruin everything don't you?" Joe smirks.
"Shut the hell up! Just leave! I don't wanna see you're drunk ass anymore!" I says, turning around and chasing after Jaime.

I find Jaime in his car. Tears falling down his face.
I open the passenger door.
Silently sliding in.

"Jaime?" I mutter.
No response.
"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you, I just couldn't find the right words." I sigh.
Nothing but his sobs.
"Jaime, talk to me? Please??" I beg, reaching over and grabbing his hand in mine.
"I need you Ellie. I need you so bad." He sobs.
"I know and I'm here. I promise." I say, frantic.

"Not that way, Ellie. I needed more from you, I thought you would feel the same." He pleads.

"I-I'm sorry." I say.
"I'm just an idiot." He says, pulling his hand from mine.

"Jams, please." I beg.
Nothing leaves his lips.
I sigh.
"I know I hurt you and I'm sorry. I really am. Sorry for telling you like this, for leading you on and for not feeling the same about you. But I promise you with my whole heart I will be there for you no matter what. I do love you Jaime. Just as a friend. Jams, please forgive me?" I say.

He sobs, shoulders shaking.
I pull him to me as much as possible, being in a car and all.
He sobs into my shoulder.
" I miss him , Ellie." He sobs.
"I know, Jams I know." I say, running my hands through his hair.
"Please don't leave me too, don't leave me too" he sobs, hands clenching my shirt.
"I'm not leaving, never am I going anywhere. Always here, I promise." I say, kissing his head.

God I'll never leave you. So long as I breathe.
"I told him, Tabs." I sigh as she picks up the phone.
"You did???" She asks.
"Yeah and hurt him too. Joe he came by drunk and we argued and it came out and Jaime was right there and..." I drift off.
"So you talked to em both." She says.
"Joes a dick, called me a whore. Went after Jaime." I say.
"He what!?! Imma kill him." She says.
I laugh but it's forced.
"Oh, Li, I'm sorry. How's Jaime?" She asks.
"He's okay, we talked it out. I seriously hurt him, Tabs. I can't believe he can ever forgive me." I sigh.
"Still going to Italy?" She asks.
"Course, he needs me. I'm going." I say.
"Be safe then" she sighs.
"Tabs?" I ask.
"Yeah?" She says.
"What's wrong?" I ask, clearly confused.
She sighs.
"I may or may not have called Joe and told him to stop you from going to Italy  with Jaime." She says.
"What!?!" I exclaim.
"Sorry, Li. I just didnt want you to get hurt." She says.
"How could you?!?" I say.
"I wasn't thinking." She says.
"Li?" She asks.
"Bye Tabby." I say before ending the call.
How could she.
I'm so furious with her.
That's why Joe knew about Italy.
I huff and fall back against the pillow and close my eyes. Slowly drifting of to sleep.
Thoughts of the trip to Italy flowing through my head.
So, hm. I actually have nothing to say.
It's not exactly how I wanted it to go and I know it's kinda all over the place but i had to throw them all in there.
Hope you enjoyed.
Stay tuned.
Stay Gold Suggaros.
Song of the chapter: Sorry Justin Bieber. (Probably repeated it but oh well.)

Clouds ☁️ Joe Sugg حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن