Chapter 10

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Ten - Over Text
Joe's POV
As I began to stir the next morning, my mind a buzz with the thoughts of Eliza. She's the last thing I think about when I fall asleep and the first thing when I wake up.
I have never felt this way about anyone. And I'm not sure If I like the feel of it.
It's like Eliza had this hypnotic spell over me. My mind becomes mush when I think of ways to talk to her or see her again. It's as if my brain stopped working.

I let out a grunt as my alarm begins to beep again. I reach for the snooze. Not quite ready to get out of bed.
I lay for a few moments, my arm draped across my face, covering my eyes.
Thoughts race through my head like a nascar race.

Swimming, swimming, from one thought to another.
And then an idea hits me.
I hurriedly scramble out of bed, pulling a pair of trousers over my legs and a shirt over my head. I comb my fingers through my hair trying to at least tame it a bit.
As I look at myself in the mirror, doubt bubbles into my mind and sends me into panic mode.
What if she's not home?
What if she says no?
Would I be prepared to see her reaction?

I let out a sigh, realizing that maybe it wasn't such a great idea after all.
As I began to pace my room thinking of another way I could possibly go about this my stomach lets out a fierce growl, indicating that it needed to be fed. I stumble my way up the stairs, and making my way to the kitchen.

"Hey mate, how're you?" Asks Caspar.
Just fucking peachy. I thought.
"Uh, hungry." I say.
I open the refrigerator and ponder just what I want to eat. I let out a sigh as there is nothing that interested me.
"Mate you alright?" Asks Caspar.
"Nah, there's nothing to eat." I say. "Wanna go out to eat?" I ask.
"Sure, bro." Caspar says getting up from his position and heading for his room.
I soon follow, heading for my room.

I pulled on a pair of trousers and a T-Shirt. And grab my phone from the nightstand.

A thought hits me when I go to leave.
So I send Eliza a

"There's a carnival in town and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?"
I let out a relieved sigh and headed for the stairs once more.

"IN A MINUTE!" He screams back.
Soon my phone beeps and I look down at it in anticipation.
It was a reply from Eliza.

"I would love too. See you then. :)"

And with my heart soaring and a smile on my face Caspar and I leave.

Soooooooooooo sorry this is suuuuper late but like I said I've been super busy and I wasn't expecting it to be this busy.
Like I'm not kidding October was a crazy month.
Anyway chapter 10 is here.
Are you happy Joe and Eliza are going on a date?
What do you think is going to happen?
Do please leave me a comment and let me know.

But other than that. I I'll see you guys soon (hopefully). *Crosses fingers* 😊
Vote comment and share.
Stay Gold Suggaros. -Ashley
Song of the chapter: Lost Boy - Ruth B. (Just because I'm obsessed with this)
If you wanna get to know Joe:
Twitter: Joe_Sugg
Instagram: Joe_Sugg
Snapchat: ThatcherJoe

If you wanna get to know mwah:
Twitter: BandannaIrwin94
Instagram: Sugg_Ft_Irwin
WEHEARTIT: BandanaIrwin94
Gif boom: Sugg_Ft_Irwin
Pinterest: Ashley Irwin

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