When someone asks about....

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When someone asks you to explain to them about an anime you're obsessed with.

Person: Hey, [Name]! Can you tell me what's [Favourite Anime] about?

You freeze. All of the events, names, OTP's, the scandals between fandoms, rumors, images and information about the anime pour all at once into your brain, a slushy of colours vortexing in your head.

Your mouth opens.

And you start.


It's been many years now. It's year 2093. The joints of your jaw hurt as you speak your last words.

You : And that, my dear [Person's Name] is what [Favourite Anime] is about.

You avert your eyes and chuckle at [Person's Name].

You : Oh, dear! I'm late for dinner!

You exclaimed with a small content giggle.

You: I enjoyed talking to you [Person's Name].

You said with a soft smile as you slowly get your now aged bones up from the chair you've been seated in all this time and slowly made your way to the exit, leaving behind a dusty skeleton that had once been [Person's Name] [Person's Surname].

Well that got gory real quick XD ~

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