Chapter Thirteen

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  Chapter Thirteen

By the time the first meeting was set to begin, Draco was standing by Harry's side showing his support. Ironically, considering that no one knew who Harry really was, Harry also had Ron and Hermione on his other side, also showing their support. Neither party seemed particularly pleased with the other, but Harry didn't really mind. They were behaving better than he ever could have anticipated.

Harry had to wonder if he was better at persuasive speeches than he had ever realized. Hopefully he was since that would mean this meeting might go the way that he hoped. With the exception of those who had graduated, all the members of the previous year's DA group were present, plus a selection of other students who had been gathered beforehand—including a few of the Slytherins.

Harry thought about it and realized that his life really had gone for a loop lately, but he was perfectly happy where he was—between his boyfriend and his best friends. He knew one of these days he was going to have to tell them, but he pushed that aside for now. He already had one war on his hands, he really didn't need another.

Harry stepped forward, gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone figures Harry Potter is supposed to be the Hero of the Wizarding World," Harry glanced around the room to see most people nodding their heads. "Ok, well, he isn't here right now. Supposedly he's off safe in some god forsaken place training. How likely is it that he can actually defeat Voldemort on his own though? What about all the Death Eaters? What happens if they decide to attack Hogwarts?"

"I, for one, really don't want to just sit here doing absolutely nothing. I realize that many of you have different opinions about Harry Potter. Some of you like him and some don't. I haven't seen him, but as the outsider coming in, I have my own opinions."

"Harry Potter may or may not be able to defeat Voldemort." Harry paused as usual. "But tell me this—why should he have to do it alone? I sure as hell wouldn't want the weight of the wizarding world on my shoulders. Don't you think that's an awful lot of responsibility you're putting on one person?"

"I asked you all here because like I said, I don't like the idea of being unable to defend myself. My father had told me about the club that was going on last year. My father has taught me a lot this past summer and I learned a lot where I came from. If anyone is interested, I have permission to make this DA, Defense Association, official this year. Open membership to whoever wants to attend."

"I realize many of you probably don't trust me because I'm one of the evil Slytherin gits." Harry grinned as this brought about a lot of snickering throughout the room. "That's ok though. At this point, I really don't expect you to trust me." This brought about a lot of blank stares. "What I mean is that I'm willing to prove that I'm trustworthy."

"Let me put it to you bluntly. I really don't give a fuck about the house system here at Hogwarts." Well, Harry thought to himself, being blunt sure got everyone's attention. "I'm not saying that there's anything particularly wrong with having the different houses. I even think friendly competition is good. But from everything I've been able to see, you people have taken it far beyond that."

"Take each of your house characteristics—loyalty, intelligence, bravery, and cunning. Personally, I think all of those will be needed in this war. I haven't been here but a few days and already I'm sick of hearing people say one house is better than any other. And yes, that includes my own house. In fact, after listening to my father most of the summer, I think I was already sick of hearing about how great Slytherin was before I ever got here!" He grinned again and more chuckles were heard throughout the room.

"Seriously, I just think there should be a limit to house rivalry. We're in the middle of a major war. Why should we be wasting our time fighting each other when we've got much bigger battles possibly facing us?"

"Now I recognize that the biggest rivalry in the school is between Gryffindor and Slytherin. There are those that wouldn't trust a Slytherin to run this group and those that wouldn't trust a Gryffindor. As a show of good faith, I've asked Draco to help me as well as allied myself with Ron and Hermione from Gryffindor. They helped Harry Potter run the group last year and to me that shows they can help run things this year."

"They want to be able to help out their friend and be able to protect themselves as well as their friends and family if need be. The question you have to answer is whether or not you want to be able to as well."

Harry glanced around the room again. He was pleased to see a lot of thoughtful faces. "Please, think about what I've said, sleep on it, talk it over with your friends, or whatever you want to do. Invite whoever you want to join us—literally everyone is welcome. Just be aware that this won't be a typical class like we're all used to. If we're here, it will be because we want to be here—because we're all wanting to win and to be able to live in peace." And with that, Harry finally stated, "Hopefully I'll see you all back here tomorrow at 3:00. Thanks for taking the time to listen everyone."

* * * * *

That night at dinner, you could see the word being spread throughout the hall. When Draco and Harry first stepped into the room, there was a moment of quiet before the chatter broke out even louder than it had been before. Many eyes followed Harry as he made his way to the Slytherin table.

For his part, Harry gave an honest smile as he glanced around the hall at the other students. He needed them to trust him. He needed to change everyone's perceptions of those evil Slytherins. He knew that generally speaking most of the time all that could be seen coming from the Slytherins were scowls and glares. Harry was doing his best to project an air of friendliness and openness.

What was interesting for those at the other tables was Draco's attitude. Many noticed the nod of acknowledgement that Draco sent to Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table. It wasn't exactly friendly but it was far from hostile. There was even more amazement when Hermione and Ron nodded in return.

Harry knew that with the way Draco was raised, he could be a powerful politician. Certainly Lucius had been working for years with the ministry and had given Draco plenty of training in that area. Harry was sure that with Draco as an ally, he would have a much easier time gaining the trust of the other students.

Which was ironic he reflected. Harry knew Draco's history in the school. The only ones who trusted Draco were the Slytherins. But for Draco to be actively changing his attitude throughout the school, it would be much easier for Harry to be able to integrate the Slytherins with the other houses.

Harry noticed that many of the Slytherins were surreptitiously watching Draco as well. Draco had long been their leader. Many would follow his lead almost automatically. Some of the others though seemed to be thinking that Draco had completely lost it.

Word was being spread throughout the Slytherin table as well about the DA meeting that had occurred earlier. Glancing around Harry thought it might just be time for a meeting in the Slytherin common room this evening.

* * * * *

Not long after Harry and Draco settled in on the couch in front of the fire in the common room, people started gathering around them. When it seemed that everyone was there, one of the seventh years finally asked the question on most of their minds.

"What's going on?" he said.

Harry and Draco glanced at each other and Harry gave a slight nod to Draco. He would let Draco, the Slytherin Prince, start off this meeting.

"We're putting together a Defense Association. We want to be able to train to defend ourselves," he said.

"Why would you want to do that?" Theodore Nott asked.

Draco gave him a withering glare after rolling his eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, we happen to be at war," he said sarcastically. "I intend to be able to defend myself and I also intend to help train anyone else I can to be able to help defend me."

Harry wanted to laugh at that statement, but he bit it back. It was such a selfish sentiment, but he knew that it would help get through to these students. Slytherins were all for self-preservation. And as odd as the idea was to Harry, the idea that Draco was doing this to help protect his own back would help clarify Draco's reasoning to the other Slytherins.

"But Draco," Millicent whined, "why are you wanting to get involved with Gryffindors?" She actually shuddered and Harry noticed that many others in the room also had slight shivers at the idea.

Draco glanced at Harry before responding. Everyone noticed the exchanged look and realized once again how much influence this new guy seemed to have. Harry, as Dustin, seemed to have a lot of sway over their Slytherin Prince.

Draco looked back to the group. "Look, I'm not fond of Gryffindors either." Draco actually gave his own slight shudder. "But I'm not against the idea of using them to help protect my own arse. We all know that this war is escalating. I happen to value my own life and will do whatever I have to, to save myself."

"Your father will protect you though," Pansy said.

Draco glanced around the room and gave a pointed look to some of the other Death Eater children. "I'm not so sure that I can rely on my father. I know that he will do his best, but he has other loyalties that could come in conflict," he said pointedly.

He exchanged another glance with Harry. "Some of us have certain conflicts of interests with our families. I've decided that I want to be able to make my own decisions. And one of those decisions that I've made recently, is that I don't want to bow down to anyone. Especially to someone that is a total madman."

"I'm NOT going to be a Death Eater," Draco said vehemently.

There were several reactions to that. Some just gasped in surprise that Draco was obviously calling Voldemort a madman. Others were sneering because Draco couldn't be right about that. Voldemort was supposed to be about giving them power. He wasn't some crazy nutcase.

Harry finally spoke up. "I've got something I'd like to show you all. Our house is hated and feared because supposedly we're all evil dark wizards. They call us all Death Eaters in training."

He held up a hand to stop the protests and even some of the proud looks that statement gendered. "How many of you have actually seen Voldemort? How many of you really know what it is like to be a Death Eater? I'm going to actually show you right now."

Harry took out the pensieve from the box beside him and set it on the table in front of him. He glanced around the room. "This isn't going to be pretty," he warned before stirring up the pensieve and starting the scene that he wanted to show everyone.

Harry had talked with his father. One of the problems as he saw it was that the Slytherins really didn't understand what they would be getting into. He'd finally hit upon the idea of actually showing them. It had taken some persuasion on his part, but he'd finally talked his father into allowing him to share one of his father's memories from one of the Death Eater meetings.

The memory was carefully selected. Harry wanted to show some of the horror and show what Voldemort was really like, but he still had to make sure that it didn't leak important information in regards to the war.

Draco had dimmed the lights and as the image started playing, it seemed to Harry that it was like a movie at the cinema. Of course, this was far worse than a horror movie considering that this was a reality.

There was still enough light that allowed Harry to watch the people around him. He'd already seen the memory a few times and besides, he was used to seeing these meetings in his visions. Then again, he'd actually met the madman himself a few times as well. So Harry watched the others. If it hadn't been so serious, it would have been funny to the ex-Gryffindor as he watched all these Slytherins slowly turn green as they watched the Death Eater meeting unfold.

They all watched as Voldemort appeared at the meeting, his red snake eyes glaring malevolently at his ranks of Death Eaters. They watched as each of the Death Eaters came forward in turn to kneel before Voldemort and kiss the hem of his robes.

Everyone listened as Voldemort went on one of his rants, complaining about Harry Potter in particular. It happened to be a meeting where one of the new recruits was stupid enough to ask why they were after Harry Potter. After calmly casting Crucio, Voldemort watched in satisfaction as the man screamed. They listened as Voldemort finally let up on the torture and told all his Death Eaters that he was never to be questioned or they would pay the price.

The Slytherins listened and watched as the meeting went on. Reports were given by various Death Eaters about different raids that they had been on. One of the important things to note was that not only was an unknown muggle family mentioned, there was also the report of the pureblood wizard family that had been tortured and killed.

There was enough detail given that some of the people actually fled the room to go throw up. Everyone was looking decidedly sick by this time. This was not what being a Death Eater was supposed to be about. Purebloods weren't supposed to die. The Death Eaters themselves weren't supposed to be tortured so mercilessly. Voldemort himself wasn't supposed to look and sound so crazy.

More of the Death Eaters were tortured for minor infractions that no one seemed to understand except Voldemort. And despite the masks and robes that were worn, many of the students recognized Lucius Malfoy. They watched as Voldemort cast Crucio on him just because he had not been able to locate Harry Potter through his ministry contacts as hoped.

Eventually the memory in the pensieve ended and Harry returned the lighting to normal. There was complete silence aside from the sounds of Harry putting the pensieve away back in the box. It had been a pensieve that he and his father had specifically put together that only had that one memory so there would be no risk of other memories being discovered.

Harry sat back and pulled Draco back against him trying to soothe him with touch. Draco was looking deathly white after watching his father being tortured. Knowing it happened was completely different from actually seeing it. Many around the room were holding each other trying to offer some support after what they had seen. The fear and tension in the room was palpable.

After a couple of minutes Harry finally spoke up. "From what I understand, what you just watched is a fairly typical Death Eater meeting. Of course, you heard the descriptions of what they are sent out to do. I don't see this as something that I want to be a part of. He's a raving lunatic that doesn't seem to have any real purpose."

"He was supposed to be making things better," someone whispered.

Harry sighed. "Yes, many people have joined with Voldemort with the idea that things would be better for them. Whether that be improvements for purebloods, more power, more prestige. I don't see how anyone is receiving any of that. Voldemort is really out to make himself immortal and he wants to rule the world."

Harry had a determined set to his face as he declared, "That's not a world that I want to live in. I'll be damned if I want to live in constant fear."

"You saw for yourselves. Voldemort is ruling the Death Eaters with fear and torture. And these are his own followers. We hear about how he tortures and kills muggles, but I don't think many people realize how horribly he treats his own followers. The Death Eaters certainly aren't going to say anything out of fear of angering their master."

It was time to try to put a little hope back into the room. "I've already made my decision and I want no part in any of that. That is why I'm setting up the DA. The more people that can defend against that madman, the better. I think Dumbledore means well overall, especially in the war against Voldemort, but I don't know how he's helping us students to defend ourselves. I have enough self preservation that I want to do more than just sit back and hope that Dumbledore will save us all from Voldemort's clutches."

"Dumbledore never does anything to help us Slytherins," Blaise said bitterly.

Many were nodding around the room. Harry knew that the Slytherins for the most part didn't trust Dumbledore. And really, they had some pretty good reasons not to.

"I don't think that's completely true, but I know where you're coming from," Harry said. "That's why I think there's another alternative."

Blaise looked hopeful as did much of the room. "What's the alternative? If we choose not to go to Voldemort, doesn't that mean that we have to go with Dumbledore?"

Despite everything that they had seen and heard tonight, Harry knew his next statement was not likely to have a positive reaction.

"I'm on Harry Potter's side," Harry said with confidence.

"What?!" Exclamations were heard throughout the room. Harry Potter was not exactly an alternative that they had been hoping for.

Harry just smirked at them all.

There was another small whisper in the room. "Harry Potter has been going up against you-know-who for years already." There was a touch of awe in the voice.

Harry gave a small wry smile. "Yes. I don't know how the foolish Gryffindor has survived, but he's been going against the madman since he was a year old."

Then Harry smirked again, "I sure as fuck don't want to be on Voldemort's side. And I'm honestly not sure that I trust Dumbledore. Harry Potter though has been going up against Voldemort—and surviving. I think he's actually fought against Voldemort more than Dumbledore has even."

Draco looked thoughtful. "Potter does seem to persevere, doesn't he? I mean, war aside, he's always managed to come through despite all the shit we've thrown at him over the years. No matter what happens to the prat, he ends up coming out on top of things in the end."

The other Slytherins thought about that. Pansy spoke up. "But who says that Potter will be on our side? We've always done our best to make his life miserable. He's not going to want to help protect us."

Harry addressed that the best he could under the circumstances. "Somehow I don't think he'll care who you are as long as you're on his side. If I understand right, he's been against Slytherins because Slytherins have been against him. It's obvious to me that Potter wants to win this damn war."

"However, I don't see how he can do it by himself. He does seem to be rather reckless jumping into these battles," Harry smirked.

Those in the room laughed and sneered at that. Harry continued, "Which is where I think we as Slytherins can help. There needs to be more planning to defeat Voldemort. Everyone seems to believe that Potter will be the one to do that, even Voldemort himself seems to believe it otherwise why would he be after Potter in the first place."

"I'm putting together this DA group because I think all the students need to be able to defend themselves, we need strategy, and I think we could help Potter actually win. I'm not satisfied with just leaving things up to Potter's luck," Harry said.

"I do think that with some help, Potter can actually do it." Harry looked around at the Slytherins who tended to value power above a lot of things. "I think Voldemort fears Harry Potter for a reason. He is a powerful wizard and that concerns Voldemort. Considering that Potter has been defeating Voldemort as a child, I believe Potter has a real chance now that he's older and developing his powers."

"Potter may be a prat, but he's powerful. He also seems to be trustworthy. I've heard plenty of complaints about him, but everyone seems to believe that he's loyal. Even all of you here in Slytherin. You may not like him much, but no one seems to have any doubts that he'll do whatever he can to defeat Voldemort."

"In fact, more than anything else, the main complaints against him seem to be because he's Dumbledore's Golden Boy and gets all the special treatment." Harry looked thoughtful. "Hmm, I wonder if Harry Potter doesn't actually deserve to be cut some slack. Somehow, if I was expected to rid the world of evil, being out after curfew wouldn't seem to have that much significance."

Harry was gratified to actually see many of the Slytherins slowly nodding their heads in agreement. Hopefully Harry had actually gotten through to his fellow Slytherins. He'd certainly given them all a lot of food for thought that evening. He could only hope that they would choose to not to follow Voldemort.

"It's your choice. It's not your parent's choice to make. Nor is it Voldemort's or Dumbledore's, who've both put pressure to choose one of their sides. Personally, I'm making the choice to stand behind Harry Potter. I think he's got the best chance of defeating Voldemort and leaving us with a wizarding world where we don't have to live our lives in fear. I've tried to give you more information to base your decision on. Now it's your choice to make the decision for yourselves."

* * * * *

"How do you do that?" Draco demanded once they were alone again in Harry's room.

"Do what?" Harry asked confused.

Draco made a grand sweeping gesture with his hand as he paced in front of the fire. "All that. I knew pretty much what you were going to do. I mean, I knew about the pensieve, and I've been listening to you talk about all these plans, but I still can't believe you got that kind of reaction."

He stopped in front of Harry. "Somehow I think you've probably just convinced all of Slytherin House to follow Harry Potter. Of all people!" he exclaimed.

"You knew that's what I was setting out to do, Draco," Harry said calmly.

Draco went back to pacing. "Yes, but I didn't expect them all to listen. For fuck's sake, half of us have grown up knowing that we would become Death Eaters. But in just one evening, you've turned all that around and have them believing they should be following Harry Potter instead."

He continued his ranting. "And the damn thing is, I believe you're right. Fuck! I've been fighting Potter for the last five years. This is all just so surreal. How can we all be fighting on Potter's side?" He looked a little bewildered.

Harry took pity on him. "Draco, come here." Harry reached over and pulled Draco down onto the couch with him.

"Does it really matter that it's Harry Potter? I don't think it does. He's just a person like me or you that happens to be against Voldemort." Harry paused as he thought about what to say.

"I think it has to do with growing up. It's not really about childhood rivalries anymore," he said.

Harry held Draco a little tighter. It was definitely not about rivalry for him anymore. He was beginning to think he was falling in love with Draco, but he had certainly never anticipated that happening. He'd fought with Draco the last five years, but it just didn't matter anymore. He'd grown up because unfortunately he had a war to fight. It had been time to give up his childhood rivalries and he was so glad that he had.

"I think Potter's not here at Hogwarts partly because he just doesn't have time to deal with that type of stuff anymore. He has a war to fight and everyone expects him to win it. Somehow, I doubt that trying to land you in detention is on the same scale as dealing with Voldemort," Harry said wryly.

Draco actually chuckled a bit. "No. I suppose you're right about that."

They both became lost in their thoughts for a bit.



"Why do you actually hate Potter?" Harry asked.

Draco thought about it. "Well, for one the git turned down my friendship when I offered it on the train first year. I've always hated him for that."

"Why would he turn you down?" Harry asked. Harry knew the answer of course, but wanted to know what Draco would say.

"It was Weasley's fault," Draco sneered. "I think Weasley had been telling him a bunch of shit about me."

"Ah, so is that why you hate Ron so much?" Harry asked.

"Yes, partly anyway. Then we Malfoys have always had a feud with the Weasleys. But he pissed me off when he turned Potter away from me. I had hoped to get in good with him and Weasley ruined that," Draco explained.

"So you didn't say anything that would make Potter not want to be friends with you?" Harry asked carefully.

"Well, I might have come on a little strong," Draco said a bit sheepishly.

Harry laughed and kissed Draco lightly on the cheek. "Now that I can picture."

"So why else do you hate Potter?" Harry asked again.

"I'm tired of Potter always winning everything," Draco whinged. "He always beats me at Quidditch. He won in this dueling club we had second year just because he spoke parseltongue. How come Potter should have a skill like that? Slytherin won the House Cup first year and Potter and his cronies stole that away from us at the leaving feast. He's always getting special treatment from Dumbledore. Potter gets away with stuff that other students would be expelled for. Hell, all the teachers but Snape give him special treatment. Somehow he even managed to get into the Triwizard tournament when he wasn't even old enough to enter. He got special treatment being the fourth person in a three person tournament."

Harry stopped Draco's ranting for a minute, "Um Draco, my father told me that tournament was how Voldemort got to Potter so he could have Potter help him bring back his body."

"Well yeah, but still Potter won. He always wins everything. Even against the Dark Lord he ends up winning actually. He came back alive from that when Diggory didn't. And how could either of them actually survive that? Voldemort doesn't just let people walk away from him. But somehow Potter does."

"Draco, isn't that precisely why we should help Potter?" Harry asked. "Potter does set out to win, even against Voldemort. You just said it yourself. You don't really have to like Potter; it's just a matter of supporting him against Voldemort."

Draco stopped and stared at him. "I wouldn't have to actually like him, would I? But the git could certainly use some Slytherin help. He's too much of a foolish, reckless Gryffindor and he's bound to get himself killed if he keeps going about things the way he has been. He could use some cunning and deviousness if he's going to actually win." Draco got lost in his own thoughts.

Harry had to grin inwardly. If only Draco realized how cunning and devious Harry Potter actually was.

* * * * *  

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