Chapter Six

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  Chapter Six

The next couple of weeks were just as busy as the previous two weeks had been. Harry continued to study and train hard. He was beginning to think he had learned more in the last month than he had in the previous five years. Maybe it was just because he was learning so much more advanced material now.

He'd learned to apparate for one. He had been more of a nervous wreck during that training than he had been about any of the duels he'd participated in with his father. There was just something about the idea of possible splinching that had held Harry back for quite awhile. The thought of splinching still made him shiver, but he was now confident in his ability to apparate finally.

During their spell training time, Severus always had Harry duel him for awhile. Severus may be recognized as his father now, but Harry quickly learned that it didn't mean he was going to go easy on Harry. He always felt battered after a duel with his father, but Harry was improving drastically.

Harry had begun his animagus training and it was going well enough, but he still did not know what kind of animal he would transform into. Severus had never bothered to learn it before and was actually going through this training with Harry.

Harry could now brew almost every single potion that Severus taught at Hogwarts. Considering that he was getting one on one instruction from the Potions Master himself, it wasn't particularly surprising. What was surprising is that Harry actually seemed to have more of a knack for it than they had first thought.

Harry even developed a potion on his own that would help protect hair from the potion fumes. Harry liked his new shiny black hair. He was damned if he wanted it all greasy like Severus' always was! Severus tested it for him and so far it seemed to be working wonderfully. It was certainly amazing the difference it made in his father's appearance.

Harry had asked why his father hadn't bothered to do something like this before. Severus had just said that he'd never really had much of a reason to care before. Even when he'd been with Lily, it had all been a secret. Changing his appearance would have been a clue that something was up.

Personally, Harry seemed to think that some of the charms protecting his own appearance all these years may have been inhibiting skills he'd inherited from his father. They had discussed it at length and Severus seemed to agree. Harry was certainly picking up on the information a lot quicker and he was retaining it now.

In fact, his memory seemed to be better all the way around now. Harry might have gained an affinity for potions like his father, but he was also able to retain more from all his other studies as well. Studying had been necessary before, but now it was almost a pleasure as well. It was much more enjoyable when you could remember all of the information.

After the time spent flying on his birthday, Harry made sure that he now spent time flying again every day. He had access to his own personal pitch. Training or not he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by anymore. Flying was relaxing for him, but even there he used the time to practice new skills.

They continued their talks each night. As father and son they were enjoying the time spent together even more than they had before. Previously it had mainly been about relaxing and companionship. Now it was family time which made it more special. They both enjoyed the intelligent conversation.

Severus still had periodic meetings with Dumbledore and Severus had come back from one such meeting with some important information.

"Lucius Malfoy is now a spy like you?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes," Severus said dryly. "That is what Albus just informed me of. From what I gather, Albus has been working with Lucius for the last several weeks. It seems that Lucius was not actually happy with the Dark Lord's return last year. He wants out, but hasn't known how to get out. Obviously, he has not known that I am a spy."

Harry just stared at him open mouthed.

Severus ignored Harry's stupefaction and continued. "I gather he requested to see Albus not long after he was imprisoned. He volunteered any information and his willingness to spy for our side. Obviously he did this partly to be released from prison, but I'm actually inclined to believe that he really has changed sides."

Harry finally shook his head to clear it a bit. "Why do you think he's changed sides?" he asked curiously.

Severus thought about that for a few moments. "I've known Lucius for a very long time. He's a strong man. He's really not the type to want to follow Voldemort."

Harry looked confused. "I don't understand. Don't a lot of people join up with Voldemort because they want the power?"

"True," Severus said, "but here's where Lucius is different from many of the others. See, Lucius actually does have a lot of power in the wizarding world. He holds several high ranking positions and he's had a lot of influence over the ministry. He does crave power yes, but by being with Voldemort, he's not actually gaining power. He's risking his power instead."

Harry was beginning to nod in understanding.

"The problem the last year for Lucius has been that you just don't get to decide that you want to walk away from Voldemort. It doesn't happen. However, it's also extremely difficult to just waltz over to the other side when you're a Death Eater. There are still many people even within the Order who don't trust me after all this time has passed," Severus explained.

Harry thought about all this. It actually made sense. Why would Lucius want to bow down before someone else when up until he landed in prison, people had actually looked up to him?

"Ok, I can understand that," Harry said. "But is Lucius actually a decent man even if he is switching sides? My dealings with him and most of what I've heard is not exactly good." Harry held up a hand to stop Severus speaking for a moment. "I realize that doesn't necessarily mean much. I mean, I already know that you are forced to do a lot of things in your role as Death Eater and you play a fine line balancing the two sides. But just because you are a good man underneath it all doesn't necessarily mean that Lucius is."

"I'm not sure," Severus said honestly. "He may very well have valid explanations for everything he's done. I will be able to answer that better once I have talked to him, but I'm hopeful. Like I said before, he's a strong man with firm beliefs. I believe it's quite possible that Lucius Malfoy has actually been doing a fair amount of good in the ministry. Many of us believe that the ministry overall is corrupt. What if all this time, Lucius has actually been working underhanded to help control at least some of that corruption?"

Harry looked taken aback at that. Now that was a novel idea. Lucius Malfoy not corrupting the ministry all these years, but actually trying to help it? Well, with Voldemort still out there somewhere, he couldn't come out and help openly and risk Voldemort finding out.

Harry spoke his thoughts. "So because Voldemort was gone, but not really gone, Lucius has still been riding the fence like you've been all these years. He could have been doing what he could, but at the same time still had to play the farce of being a Death Eater as well."

Severus nodded. "I have no way of knowing this for sure, but I suspect this is the case. Albus was not very forthcoming when I asked him."

Harry just rolled his eyes. "When does he ever just come right out and say anything?" he asked.

Then Harry paused before he said, "But I bet Dumbledore did tell you that he trusted Lucius, didn't he?"

Severus smiled slightly as he nodded. "Yes he did and I think you know what that means by now."

Harry grinned. "Yep, it means that whether your guesses are right or not, there is some valid reason for Lucius' actions, he's basically a good guy, and he's on our side now."

Severus nodded again. "Yes. I'd say that once Albus went to meet with Lucius, he received a lot of information about the Dark Lord. I do know that Albus has somehow managed to concoct some feasible story that has allowed Lucius to be released from prison. Voldemort is happy and doesn't seem to suspect anything. The wizarding world isn't overly impressed with his release, but that's just helped to ensure that Voldemort doesn't suspect anything."

"When was he released?" Harry asked.

"Just a couple of days ago. I saw the Daily Prophet in Dumbledore's office. The article concerning Lucius' release is suitably vague. It really just states that because of technicalities Lucius was falsely imprisoned. I'm sure I'll never know exactly how Dumbledore managed to pull it off." Severus sounded impressed.

"So who all knows that Lucius is a spy now? Does the Order know?" Harry asked.

Severus shook his head. "I actually think only me, you and Dumbledore know. Possibly Draco. Dumbledore let me know for obvious reasons, but he seems to want to keep it quiet for now. Voldemort gives Lucius more information than he does most of his other Death Eaters. I doubt Dumbledore wants to risk that by letting everyone in the order know right away."

Harry looked at his father. "Actually, I need to thank you. I appreciate that you've told me. I'm sure that Dumbledore wouldn't tell me anything," Harry said with a slightly bitter tone.

"I told you before that I would tell you whatever I could. Yes, this is very sensitive information, but I trust you to keep it secret. I also know that it could be valuable information for you if you get caught up in a bad situation with the Death Eaters," he said.

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. I've actually got another ally now, don't I?"

"You do. I don't know if Lucius has been informed of the prophecy or not, but prophecy or no, everyone still expects you to be able to help bring Voldemort down since you did it before. Lucius will help to protect you if it is possible for him to do so," Severus said.

"Well, that's good to know," Harry said.

* * * * *

The next night turned to a discussion that Lucius Malfoy would have been extremely familiar with. The Dark Arts. This was something that Harry had always known his father knew a lot about. Harry himself had been given several informative books to read over the previous weeks.

Harry tried to get his thoughts straight about the subject. "So tell me if I'm finally getting this sorted out right. First of all, Dark Arts is mostly just a general classification designated by the ministry? The ministry somewhere way back when arbitrarily decided what was Dark Magic and what was Light magic."

Severus agreed, but went on to clarify it for Harry. "Yes, but you do have to remember that there actually is a lot of truth to their classifications. There was a reason that such a distinction happened in the first place."

Severus slipped into Professor mode easily. "Spells and potions were often considered to be dark because they did more direct harm to people. Much of the Dark Arts is so classified because it is destructive and that's its only purpose. The Dark Arts are considered evil for that reason. There are definitely plenty of spells, potions, and magical objects that fit that description. They're dark because their only purpose is to destroy in some manner."

"However there is a lot of that is classified as Dark Arts that is not necessarily destructive. It really comes down to intent for a lot of magic. Take the Incendio charm that you are taught at Hogwarts."

Harry protested, "But that's not Dark Arts! I thought we were discussing dark magic."

"I am," Severus said. "Obviously you do not consider Incendio to be a dark spell. And if I use the spell to light a fire in a fireplace, you're right; it's not considered Dark Arts. I'm not being destructive in any way. However, what if I decide to use Incendio to light someone's house on fire? Is the spell destructive then?"

"Well yes," Harry said slowly.

"See, it is really the intent of the person using the spell that makes the difference," Severus explained. "There is actually a wide gray area of spells that could be considered either dark or light depending on intent. And that's where the ministry stepped in. Depending on the overall use of a spell at the time, spells were classified as either dark or light. However, much of that dark magic can be considered very useful depending on the intent."

"Now let's take a very extreme case. Your situation to be exact," Severus said, pointing at Harry.

"The killing curse is obviously Dark Arts, correct?" Severus asked.

"Yes, of course it is. Going by the definition of intent, it's always destructive to kill someone," Harry said.

"Indeed. However, in your situation you must kill Voldemort. If you use the killing curse on him, is it truly your intent to destroy him?" Severus asked.

"Well, yeah, I fully intend to destroy the bastard using whatever it takes to do that," Harry said.

"Ok, but are you just planning to kill him for the sake of destruction, or is your real intent to be able to rid the wizarding world of his evil?" Severus asked. He watched for Harry's reaction.

Harry's face showed dawning comprehension. "In my situation, I'm not really intending to harm someone even though that's what the end result would be," Harry said slowly. "My true intent is not to be dark and evil, but to protect people. In any situation of kill or be killed, a person could use Avada Kedavra to protect themselves while not actually meaning harm to the other person."

Severus nodded but otherwise just watched and waited for Harry to sort through all of this.

"So when people say that using Dark Arts makes a person evil, that's not really true, is it?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

Severus just shook his head.

"Ok, going back to Voldemort, he's not actually a dark wizard because he uses the Dark Arts. He's the Dark Lord because his intent is to harm and destroy. He wants to be evil. Merlin knows he actually enjoys being a sadistic bastard," Harry said.

Harry finally got it. "The magic isn't what makes Voldemort a dark wizard, it's Voldemort who uses magic in such a manner to aid him in his destruction."

Severus smiled, pleased that Harry understood. "Yes. Now unfortunately many people don't bother to truly understand this. They see the manner that someone like Voldemort uses the curses and declare the magic as dark. It is understandable to a certain extent."

"But like I said earlier, there is so much gray area. I think there are many useful spells that you should learn even though they are considered Dark Arts by the majority. Not all Dark Arts is evil," Severus said.

Severus looked at Harry. "Now here's the irony. I also think you should actually learn to use the unforgivables as well as some of the truly Dark Arts spells."

Harry looked at him askance, but he was actually understanding now. "Because whether I like it or not, these are not normal circumstances and I'm the one at the heart of the war with Voldemort and his followers. You want me to learn even the nasty spells because that would give me an advantage or at least a more even footing when I have to fight."

"Exactly," Severus said. "Even if you were to learn and use some of the nastier spells, it's not going to make you evil. I'm sure many people would prefer that you not use the Dark Arts. But I think that just puts you at a major disadvantage. You need to be able to use all resources if you wish to succeed."

Severus looked thoughtfully at Harry. "To be honest, Harry, I think this may be one of the main reasons Dumbledore sent you to me this summer. Dumbledore is seen as the true Light wizard of our time. But I think Dumbledore actually expected me to teach you the Dark Arts this summer."

Harry thought about what Dumbledore had said that day in his office.

"Severus, there is much that you can teach Harry. In addition to the occlumency, you have certain special knowledge and skills that I think would be a tremendous help to Harry in this war."

"And what could I teach him that you couldn't do yourself?" Snape spat.

Dumbledore's eyes were no longer twinkling as he looked gravely at Snape. "Severus, you know of the prophecy. You know that Harry will have to face Voldemort and by association his Death Eaters as well. Who better to teach Harry what he will need to know than someone with inside knowledge of those he will have to fight?"

"You're right," Harry said. "Dumbledore said that you had special inside knowledge and skills. You're not evil, but you do have the ability to teach me the Dark Arts that Dumbledore doesn't." Harry smirked, "And you don't care if your image is tarnished by having that ability and knowledge like Dumbledore does."

Severus chuckled, "No, it would not be the first time I was accused of being dark or an evil bastard."

"Ah, you're just another evil Slytherin git!" Harry laughed.

* * * * *  

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