Chapter Nine

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  Chapter Nine

Harry was waiting a bit anxiously in the room behind the head table of the Great Hall. He'd decided to skip the train ride and came directly to Hogwarts with his father instead. Now he was just waiting for the sorting ceremony. Technically he didn't care which house he got sorted into, but he knew that there really was a lot that went into the houses of this school. It was going to take time to work through a lot of that animosity. And he wasn't even sure it was possible.

Well, first things first, he'd have to get introduced into the school. And he knew that he'd likely be in Slytherin. Where else would he be sorted? He didn't plan on arguing with the hat this time and with all the duplicity he was dealing with this year, there was really no where else for the sorting hat to put him. No, his real concern was how he was going to be able to get past all the preconceived notions to be able to interact with the rest of the school. He really didn't want to be stuck with just Slytherins for company.

He'd spent a lot of time talking with his father and had been able to banish many of his own prejudiced ideas about the Slytherins. He'd like to be able to help banish those same ideas with the rest of the school as well. He knew though that it may just be wishful thinking on his part of that ever actually happening.

Harry started paying attention again as he realized the growing noise from the Great Hall had died down. Seems it was about time to get things started. Dumbledore had decided to introduce and sort him first so he knew he'd be called soon. Sure enough, his father opened the connecting door and gestured him through. Severus squeezed his shoulder briefly before heading back to his seat at the head table.

All eyes were on Harry as he walked around the table towards the stool sitting in the middle of the floor. He took the hat that Professor McGonagall handed him, sat down and placed it on his head. Harry ignored everyone and waited for the hat to speak to him.

"It seems you are back, Mr. Potter," the hat said to him. "Can I assume that you have had enough of Gryffindor and are ready to be placed where you were meant to be all along?"

Harry answered back in his head, "I don't have a problem with Gryffindor, but I do recognize that it's probably necessary for me to be in Slytherin now. There is a lot at stake."

"Ah, I can see that you are using every bit of cunning you possess in order to protect your friends and family. You are sure to do very well in . . . "

"Slytherin!" the hat shouted out to the entire Great Hall.

As Harry gracefully got down from the stool and set the hat down, the Slytherins all erupted into cheers. Harry strolled over to the table and sat down next to Draco. Aside from any personal interest he was developing, Draco was ironically still the one that he knew best in Slytherin house. Harry received many congratulations and a big grin from Draco. Harry was happy enough to be where he was. He looked up at the head table and gave his father a small smirk. His father smirked in return before turning back to the sorting of the first years that was starting.

Harry was soon to get everyone's attention once again however. Previously no house had ever clapped for any other house during the sorting. Harry however decided to stir things up a bit. These first years were new students to Hogwarts, not just to each house. Harry clapped for each and every first year to be sorted.

At first, everyone just looked at him like he was crazy. Especially the Slytherins when Harry clapped for the first Gryffindor to be sorted. Even the teachers were looking at him askance. Slytherins did notcheer for Gryffindors in their recollection.

In the silence that followed his clapping, Harry just stood and stated to the crowd, "These first years are new to the school. They should all be welcomed to Hogwarts." It went unstated but heard by all—no matter which house they are sorted into. After that, the entire school got into the sorting in an entirely new way. The cheering and shouts were deafening as the whole school welcomed the new students.

The Slytherins in particular weren't so sure about this, but they weren't about to go against their Head of House's son. Besides, many of them had been warned by Draco on the train that this new boy seemed to hold some different ideas. But Draco seemed to like him and so that was just one more endorsement for supporting this new boy. So even the Slytherins ended up having a blast welcoming the first years. It almost became a new challenge as to who could cheer the loudest for each new student.

Severus just gave his son a wry look. Even without the persona of Harry Potter, his son could manage to disrupt the natural order, rules and traditions of the school. He really shouldn't have been surprised.

Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling like crazy as he watched Harry unite the entire student body. He knew Harry was capable of great things, but leave it to Harry to be able to be devious enough to be able to even unite the Slytherins with the other three houses. It was sure to be an entertaining year ahead.

As the feast got underway, Harry was bombarded with questions. All of the Slytherins, and the rest of the school as well, were trying to figure out this new boy. He'd barely been there an hour and he had already shaken up the whole school. The speculations were running rampant about this new boy. From the moment he'd come from the other room and sat on the stool, most of the girls and even some of the boys, were appreciating this boy's looks. Sexy, dark and mysterious was adding a new heat to the room. Then add the shock when he was introduced as Snape's son before he was sorted into Slytherin. Top it off, he turns the traditional sorting ceremony on its head by cheering for everyone. Everyone wanted to know more about Dustin Snape.

Harry took it all in stride as he began loading his plate. No one aside from his father and Dumbledore knew it, but Harry was used to this kind of attention in the Great Hall. This year however, and in this new guise, Harry was prepared to handle it. And handle it he did as he fielded many questions while he ate. He explained the little information he'd already given Draco about how he'd come to live with his father. He was open and friendly with everyone. He asked many of his own questions about the school that he supposedly knew nothing about except for what his father had told him.

Harry looked around the Great Hall. He had to admit, it felt very odd to be observing things from this side of the school. He could see his friends laughing and talking and he missed being with them. But it also felt good to be making new friends. He was particularly enjoying how close Draco was to him. There was a whole new awareness there that he would have never anticipated when he left the school last year.

There was a bit of guilt that he was deceiving so many people, but he squashed it down. He glanced at his father again. He knew that no matter what happened, this was worth it. He was doing the best he could for all of the people in this room. In particular, it felt right that he had this fresh start with his father—his family.

Amongst the typical announcements at the end of the feast, was one that Harry found of particular interest.

Dumbledore spoke up, "You all know that Voldemort," pause for gasps, "has returned. The ministry has officially declared this finally over the summer. Our world unfortunately is in a time of war. You also know that Harry Potter is a major enemy of Voldemort." At this there was another pause for yet more gasps from the school—and sneers from the Slytherins.

"With all of the attempts on Harry's life here at the school, it was deemed unsafe for him to continue his schooling here this year. Harry has been taken to another location that will be undisclosed to even his close friends for now and he will continue his schooling and training in a safer place for him." This actually brought boos from much of the school along with the expected cheers from the Slytherins.

As Dumbledore continued with his beginning of year announcements, Draco leaned over, "Be thankful you don't have to deal with that idiot this year. With Dumbledore's Golden Boy out of the picture, this school really should be a better place," he said with a sneer.

Harry had been sitting back taking all this in. He looked at Draco contemplatively before finally stating, "You know, I've heard a lot about Harry Potter. I actually feel sorry for him. I sure wouldn't want the weight of the wizarding world on my shoulders. He can't even go to school now with his friends. I know what it's like to have to leave my friends behind. I can't see as how that would be easy for him."

Draco and the surrounding Slytherins looked startled. Snape's son was standing up for Harry Potter?! It was one thing to stand up for first years; it was entirely different to stand up for Harry Potter. A Slytherin sticking up for the Golden Boy? It was unheard of. In the shocked silence though, a few students seemed to have a flicker of understanding cross their faces.

Draco however, was not ready to give up a five year rivalry. In his opinion, Dustin obviously needed to be filled in on a few more facts about Harry Potter. But looking at Dustin's serious expression, he decided to drop it for now. He really wanted to stay on Dustin's good side. He decided to go with a different approach.

"Well, I can say that you should have no trouble making new friends here at Hogwarts. I personally think you will be quite popular," Draco drawled as he ran his gaze across Harry's features.

Harry heard this and saw Draco's look and just grinned. Yeah, Harry was ready for at least one new friendship to progress.

Harry answered, "So are we ready to head for the dungeons?"

With his elegant grace, Draco rose from the bench. "Yes, most of us still need to get unpacked." He smirked at Harry, "I'm assuming you've already gotten settled in for the new year."

Harry also rose gracefully from the bench to walk with Draco. "Yeah, I got settled into my new room while you were all still on the train. Whether it's a good thing or not I haven't decided yet, but I've got a room next to my father's. I'll show it to you later. Come show me the Slytherin dorms and I'll help you get settled in."

* * * * *  

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