"Brian Chesterfield Lee"

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A simple wag of your tail

And a stretch

You are woke!

Not because you are no longer sleepy

But because I am woke.


A friend like no other,

Always willing to play.

Jumping into my lap,

Always willing to stay

With me.


We argue like all friends

And just like all friends we make up

Cause you don't hesitate to rollover your feelings

Your're my little forgiving pup

And companion


Walking when I walk

Staring when I eat

Running when I run

And resting at my feet

Like I like.


We both have a troubled past

But God had us convene

To begin a bond that will last

However long that may mean

And long I hope it is


You wag and I smile

I'm am skinny and you're fat

For our species we're both short

And that is that

And that's all the matters


Brian the behaved

Brian the restrained

Brian the insatiable

Brian the ardent

Brian the noiseless.


Brian the food connoisseur

Brian the quadruped

Brian and his toys

And Brian and his bed

And Brian, the dog.


And Brian my friend!

April 22, 2010

The High School Years: Poems from an Average American TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now