Don't ever want to see things change.

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Song: Please Don't Go // Joel Adams

Nessa's POV

Something was definitely up with Bellamy. He had been uncharacteristically quiet for the few hours we'd been hiking in the direction of the supplies depot, and had packed way too many rations for a day trip. I wondered if he was nervous about the rest of the Ark coming down. Now, he was king of the delinquents. But that would all change when the grown ups got here. He'd probably go right back to the bottom tier of society like he was before we were sent to the ground. I guess the thought of not being so important didn't sit so well with Bellamy Blake. Finally, we came upon a clearing filled with crumbling ruins overgrown with vegetation and a large pool of water in the center. Bellamy stopped.

"From what Clarke told us, the depot should be around here somewhere," he said. I looked around. Unless it was in one of the half-standing buildings, I didn't see how a whole storage unit could be in this clearing. "There has to be a door somewhere. Let's split up so we can cover more ground. Stay within shouting distance," he ordered. Always the bossy one. I nodded and headed off in the opposite direction, scanning everywhere for something that could look like a door. As I searched, I heard the crunching of leaves and twigs cracking. I whipped my head around, my heart racing. Could Grounders have followed us here? But there was no one around. I went back to searching but my senses remained on high alert. I couldn't shake the feeling we were being watched. 

Finally, as I was walking, my foot hit something hard. And metal. Crouching down, I brushed some dead grass out of the way and saw a door leading into the ground. "Bellamy! Over here, there's a door!" I shouted. He came rushing up as I tried pulling on the handle to open it. The door didn't budge. I scowled in frustration.

"Don't be upset, sweetheart, I think that door weighs about three times as much as you do," Bellamy said smugly. "Also, it looks like it's rusted shut." He took the axe he had been carrying and hit something at the bottom of the door. Then we both grabbed the handles and heaved the door open. A set of stairs descended into darkness. Bellamy and I looked at each other. "Ladies first," he said, gesturing to the opening. I rolled my eyes and began to climb down. At the bottom it was pitch dark, so I pulled two lanterns out of my bag and handed one to Bellamy. We walked down a hallway and then more stairs. On the landing our lights shone on a skeleton sprawled out. It had obviously been here for a while. 

"Hell of a place to die," Bellamy's voice came from behind me. I nodded and continued on. Cobwebs covered almost every inch of the walls and ceilings. Water had leaked in and was dripping from the pipes running along the walls. The air smelled of damp and mildew. If Clarke had hoped we'd find a place to wait out the winter, she'd be very disappointed. There was no way a hundred kids could live down here for very long without some sort of health complications. Bellamy and I began to search through the containers. Most of them were empty, the supplies already used centuries before. In one bin, however, I did find a ton of dry, warm-looking blankets.

"Hey!" I called to Bellamy. "Found some blankets!"

"You're excited about a couple of blankets?" Bellamy responded. He sounded extremely frustrated. "How about a canteen? Or a med kit? Or a decent freaking tent?" His voice got louder and louder as he got angrier. I didn't understand why he was getting so angry about this. He even kicked over a barrel in his frustration. Out poured gallons of black liquid, and...guns. "Oh my god," he whispered. He picked one up and turned to me, a genuine smile on his face. 

"This changes everything," he said excitedly. "No more running from spears." He looked at me, his eyes shining. "Let's try 'em out."

I backed up. "Whoa, no. No thank you. I am not someone you should trust with a highly dangerous weapon," I said. Plus I just didn't like guns. They reminded me of the guards on the Ark, and they were all assholes who thought they could do whatever they wanted just because they had a gun and we didn't. 

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