You tried to track me down, you followed me like the darkest cloud.

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Song: Reaper // Sia

Nessa's POV

The blonde girl, Clarke I think's her name, was bent over a map talking with the Chancellor's son, Wells Jaha. Him I knew very well - everyone in the Sky Box did. And everyone in the Sky Box pretty much hated his guts because of who his dad was. With all the murderers and violent criminals in the bunch, i didn't predict him lasting very long down here.

Jasper walked up to Clarke, Monty and I following close behind. "Huh, cool, a map," he quipped. "Can I get a bar in this town I'll buy you a beer." Wells didn't seem to think it was funny. He grabbed Jasper's arm and pushed him back roughly.

"Do you mind?" he asked.

I was about to step in and intervene - not even five minutes on the ground and Wells was already acting like he owned the place? - but someone else spoke up.

"Hey!" A kid with stringy brown hair and wide-set eyes, followed by a group of big, rough-looking guys walked up. "Hands off of him, he's with us." It was the most over the top display of masculinity I almost laughed out loud. "He's with us?" Really? 

"Relax," Wells held his hands up. "We're just trying to figure out where we are," he explained. Jasper backed up to stand with me and Monty. I could almost feel the tension rising. And then, of course --

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy goddam Blake. Everyone's heads turned towards him as he sauntered over with his sister. I stepped back a little to hid behind Jasper's much taller frame. I didn't really want him to know I was here just yet. But if looks could kill, he would be dead already.

"We need to find Mount Weather," Wells said, walking towards Bellamy. The group followed. A crowd had started to surround the confrontation. "You heard my father's message, that has to be our first priority," Wells continued.

"Screw your father," Octavia said venomously. Amen, sister. "What, you think you're in charge here? You and your little princess?" she sneered. I silently cheered her on. As much as I loathed her brother, I was beginning to like Octavia. After all, we had pretty similar life experiences.

"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather," Clarke responded. "Not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies?" Well, she had a point there. "We're looking at a 20 mile trek, okay, so if we want to get there before dark we need to leave. Now."

"I got a better idea," Bellamy said. "You two go. Find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Idiot. Of the 100 of us down here, he was the only one who hadn't been locked up. None of us were privileged - we were all criminals in the eyes of The Ark. But people were nodding, shouting their affirmation.

"You're not listening," Wells argued. "We all need to go."

Then the kid with the stringy hair came up and shoved him from behind. "Look at this everybody," he jeered. "The Chancellor of Earth." Everyone snickered. Wow, creative. I was starting to like this kid less and less.

"You think that's funny?" Wells challenged.

The kid responded by kicking Wells' leg out from under him. "No, but that is," he said.

"Wells!" Clarke rushed to help him but someone held her back. Wells got up slowly, fists raised. He now had a pronounced limp on his left leg - clearly he had sprained his ankle. 

"Alright," the other kid smiled, ready for a fight. Everyone started chanting - fight, fight, fight - as the two circled each other. Then someone dropped down between the two. It was the first kid who unbuckled his seat belt on the drop ship. Everyone went silent in surprise. Stringy-haired kid even looked scared.

"Kid's got one leg," he said evenly. "How about you wait till it's a fair fight?" Damn, that was pretty bad ass. Kinda hot, too. Octavia obviously thought so too.

"Hey spacewalker!" She sauntered up to him. "Rescue me next." He smiled, and the tension broke. Everyone started to clear out and go back to exploring our new home. I saw Bellamy lead Octavia away by the arm and they began to argue quietly. Whatever they were talking about seemed pretty serious. Octavia finally walked away, and before I could move or avert my eyes, Bellamy turned and looked right at me. He didn't seem surprised to see me. In fact, he looked like he almost expected me to be standing there. In his eyes I could see the same guilt he had when I first got arrested. However, this time there also seemed to be something else - maybe uncertainty about whether or not I hated him, whether I remembered it was him that got me locked up. 

As if I could ever forget. I narrowed my eyes and tried to convey all of my hatred, then whirled around and stalked away. It took all my self control not to run back and punch him right in his smug, asshole face. Soon, very soon I thought to myself.


Bellamy's POV

Well, she definitely remembered me. And, judging by the hatred burning in her green eyes, had never forgiven me either. Well get in line, I thought darkly. Octavia, my mom, Jaha - all people I had hurt. Two I would never be forgiven by. Not that I deserved their forgiveness. I brushed those thoughts away as I heard Octavia volunteer to be part of the group going to Mount Weather.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" I grabbed her arm.

She shook me off. "Going for a walk," she replied through gritted teeth. What had gotten into her? It was just because that damn spacewalker was going.

"Hey!" Clarke said suddenly, grabbing Finn's arm. "Were you trying to take this off?" she asked, pointing to his wristband.  There was a long scratch along the middle.

"Yeah, so?" he replied.

"So, this transmits your vital signs to the Ark," she explained. My ears pricked up. This sounded promising. "Take it off and they'll think you're dead," she finished. 

"Should I care?" Finn shrugged.

"I don't know, do you want the people you love think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in three months because they won't if they think we're dying," she retorted. I almost breathed a sigh of relief. That's it. That's how I could stop the Council from following us down and executing me for what I did to Jaha. I just had to convince everyone to take their wristbands off.

"Okay," Clarke said, interrupting my thoughts. "Now let's go." She, Finn, Jasper, and Monty started to walk away. Octavia turned to me, her eyes shining with excitement and pleading. I sighed. 

"Go on."

She jumped and squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck and planting a kiss on my cheek. Then she followed the group. Please be safe, I thought, watching them disappear into the forest.

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