Typical Reinya.

"I hear water!" She exclaimed, "Maybe the sudden sound of water spooked them."

"I know for a fact that Roshroch doesn't spook easily, and you have fought off wolves astride Carac. I think it was something more than pure water."

I turned as a screaming yell alerted us from behind.

"Shit! Orcs!" Reinya yelled, jumping to her feet, and grabbing for her boomerang. Immediately she hissed in pain, a sound I thought I'd never hear her emit.

"What is it?" I asked, backing away from the growing Orc horde as it approached us cautiously, as if they were trying to size us up.

"I forgot to put on my gloves and I cut my hand!" Reinya informed me, holding her bleeding hand, and large cut down the middle of it, and her boomerang lay in the grass a couple feet away from her boots, it's edges now tinted with her own blood, instead of her enemies.

I grabbed for one of her gloves, and slid it over my right hand, and snatched the fallen boomerang from the ground, and tossed it carelessly at the Orcs, who all stepped back as the whirling metal flew at them.

Turning to Reinya, I pointed towards the sound of rushing water. "Let's get out of these woods!" I yelled at her.

Reinya's face mixed with the desire to flee, and the want to retrieve her boomerang, but the first won. She turned, and we ran towards the bank of the river. We stopped short, and Reinya swore loudly.

"I hate heights!" She yelled, as if it would make a difference. I looked over the cliff's edge, down into the swiftly moving river below.

"We have to jump." I said in a tight tone, hating heights as much as Reinya did, or more. At the moment, it didn't really matter.

"I'll kill you if you-"

She cut her words off with a scream as I pushed her over the edge, seeing the approaching Orcs. I turned around, my back facing the drop, and gave the Orcs one last timid smile before throwing myself off the cliff.

The last thing I heard and saw before my senses were surrounded by water was the Princes out of the corner of my eyes, Gorell looking like he wanted to murder me, and Legolas like he just had his heart ripped out.

Part of me wanted to stay.


(Reinya's POV)

I somehow managed to grab Elinya, who had become unconscious when hitting the water, probably because the girl fell backwards onto the water, and saw both of us to shore. I lay on my back, breathing hard. "Elinya?" I asked when I heard her move.

"What happened?" She asked, sounding exhausted. "My head really hurts! Did I hit my head against something while I was in the river? I can't remember ever being in water!"

"Well, you owe me your life again." I informed her, between catching my breath. "You fell into the river, and knocked yourself out. I grabbed you, held your head above water the whole time, which is not easy feat, and swam to shore. I think I deserve some credit in the whole keeping you alive!"

Elinya laughed. "I think you do. I owe you my life twice now. Thank goodness I am an elf, so I have forever to pay you back."

"If I don't get tired of you before that." I told her, making her laugh again.

We both sighed a little, and I shivered from the cold, as our clothing was still soaked through from the dip into the river. Naturally, I placed my hands on my boomerangs, and felt, in dismay, I was missing one. I remembered when I cut my hand, and Elinya threw it at the Orcs to buy us some time, but the bitter loathing of losing one of my prized possessions I had received from a close friend was like losing the friend themselves.

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