Chapter 1

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Casey Guinness got up as he did every morning. He made himself some coffee, made himself a couple of pieces of toast, and looked out off of his balcony. Yes, he was one of the lucky ones. He barely remembered his life before Eden.

After the various shortages the world had gone through after 2112, the entirety of its inhabitants had been ordered by  Chronicle Games Corporation (CGC for short) to evacuate into Eden, the perfect world, which was slowly becoming the same as Earth had.

Casey was one of the first into Eden, and so, got one of the best homes. Located in the mountains of Sigma sector, Casey's home was one of the many homes with a perfect view. Everything in Eden was catered to be perfect.

When the people had entered Eden, they were transformed into living computer data. They still needed to eat, sleep, and all that, only because they were data, they could sustain on computer-generated food. In fact, in Eden, everyone was immortal.

However, they could still be deleted. Most people didn't refer to it as "deleted," though. Most called it banished, since they would just be sent out, back to the real world, far away from Eden.

Casey thought about these things often, wondering if entering Eden was a good choice.  He had left behind something that had meant a lot to him. He often wondered if the guilt would ever leave him.

He wasn't sure what about Eden caught his attention, whether it was the promise of all play and no work, or the fact that some people could get super powers (Oh yeah, that's a real thing in Eden), but Eden had just seemed too good an offer to pass up. Yet everyday he wondered if taking that offer was a good idea.

"I don't know what to care about anymore," Casey said to himself. He was pretty much a druggie in this world, adding to the excitement of Eden by using Cheats. He recalled his run-in with Dee Sanders the other day.

Casey reached for his coffee cup. "Are we worth all of this?" he asked himself. As he lifted the cup to his mouth and…

…Instead of a satisfying warm taste running through his mouth, it burned on his pants. "Son of a-" he began the curse before he realized something. He was still holding the cup. He hadn't dropped it, it was still in his hand. "Better clean this up before it sets into my pants," he thought.

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