The Beginning...

978 38 3

Castiel was happy. Was. Cas was set to marry his long time boyfriend, now fiance Balthazar, next year in spring. Balthazar was amazing, took him out to dinner every night, bought him flowers, took him on dates, and held him when he was stressed out over Classes. The perfect man, until he was ruined. His Brother Raphael, died in a car crash. Raphael was the only family Balthazar had, and once he was gone, he turned into an abusive boyfriend. Hitting him, or worse, every night for 3 years. He even scared him into saying yes to a public proposal. Castiel loved him 2 years ago when he was still him. That year was perfect and it went to crap.

Balthazar was at a bar like he always was at this time of night, and Castiel had already packed his bags. He'd been packing all week, though Balthazar was never sober enough to notice the empty drawers and closet. So he was leaving, running actually. As soon as Balthazar left he didn't even take the time to write a note or take the ring off, he would get the idea. Castiel was  a few states over in Lawrence, Kansas.  He was accepted to a college there a few months ago, and stealing Balthazar's money was worth it for an education, and a small dorm. He wouldn't come looking for him here, it was a fresh start, he could be happy again. But of course, there was now trust issues, he would have trouble finding friends. Not like he needed them, but it could be nice.

He ended up having to share a dorm with another person, his name was Devin? Dean? Dan? Oh well, just leave him alone and he'll leave you alone. Not so much.

"Hey, I'm Dean Winchester." Castiel flinched when the man held out a hand but he didn't seem to notice.

"Castiel Novak." He said quickly taking his hand away and going back to unpacking and setting up his dorm. He still had the ring on, he quickly took it off and shoved it into his bag. He used to actually love the beautiful, shiny silver ring, with an engraving on the inside that said "Two angels in their heaven together." Now, it was only a reminder of how broken he really was.

Castiel didn't notice dean was starring at him as he filled his new dresser.

"So, Cas, you want to go get some lunch?"The man said, apparently attempting to be nice. But castiel was to scared to test it. 

"Um, I'm, not hungry, but thank you." He was actually starving, but was scarred of Dean, he looked like his punches would hurt. He wouldn't be getting on his bad side.

"Rain check then?" Dean laughed, Castiel liked his laugh.

"Sure" Castiel said, not meaning it at all. "And... Cas?" Well, at least it's better than Cassie like Balthazar always called him. 

"Oh yeah sorry, I give everyone nick names. I won't call you that if you don't like it." Dean said rubbing the back of his neck not looking him in the eyes. 

"No its fine." Dean was blushing, Cas liked that. He had a red tint to his perfect face and it was beautiful. Cas realized he was starring and quickly finished his half of the room and looked over to see Dean hanging a few pictures, and what looks like amazing drawing on the wall.

"Are those yours?" He asked, staring at the wonderfully drawn Car. What was it, a.. 69 impala? or maybe it was a 68. 

"Oh, yeah. Don't tell anyone, you know a guy like me drawing, not many people like that." Dean said turning a whole new shade of red. 

"A guy like you? what's that mean?" Castiel asked. Oh father, what if he was a jock and thought punching people was cool?!

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Dean responded. Yup I'm defiantly about to become a punching bag. Castiel though, and was actually tempted to turn his face, and brace himself for the hit. But he didn't. 

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