Chapter 7 Manami my Partner

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Kayano's pov.

Wha- What?! Karma's girlfriend. Unacceptable, that bastard was toying with Nagisa-kun. "Yeah, I know that guy." "Really, where is he? I've been calling him for a long time but he won't pick up his phone." Okuda said worriedly. Sigh, if only you know what your boyfriend is doing right now. Wait, with this girl with me. This could be my chance to finally come back for Nagisa-kun. This time there is a good reason that will break his trust from Karma. Excellent.

"You know, I do know where he is right now." I giggled. "Really, I already miss him so much. I wanted to see him again, one last time." Okuda whimpered. "Stop that, you just have to follow me and I assure you. Everything will be yours." "Really, I'm so glad." Okuda smiled. Woah, that smile just now was so radiant. It almost burn my eyes off. "Okay Manami-chan, before we start our journey together. I have to explain your boyfriend's situation for you." I said.

"Situation? What situation?" She asked. "Well lets just say that his being held captive by my previous partner and now his really enjoying this so called journey. But Nagisa-kun won't hurt him, I promise." I said while scratching the back of my neck. "Whoever hurts him shall die." Okuda mumbled. I can't make out of the words she says but one thing I heard from her was pretty clear. 'Die' does she know how to kill?

"Manami-chan, I was quite rude so I'll introduce myself okay. My name is Kaede Kayano and I'm Nagisa's partner in crime." I cheered. Even though Nagisa-kun chose to be alone I still won't give up on him.

"Nagisa? Who the hell is that? Don't tell me she's.... Nevermind." Okuda giggled. What the hell was that? It was pretty creepy. "Okay now hurry up Manami-chan. Follow me and I'll lead you to Karma Akabane." I smiled while holding out for her. I felt a sharp object poke my neck when I realize that Manami-chan was leaning closer to my face with a knife on my neck. The hell! What is she doing? "No one calls Karma's full name like that except me." She giggled crazily. Woah! That's some strong bloodlust she got. "Alright psycho, take it easy. I won't say his full name again. If you kill me right now, How are you going to able to find your boyfriend?" I asked.

She tilted her head and sigh from relief. She put her knife back on her coat and smiled gently at me. "I'm really sorry. I'm sometimes possessive with my boyfriend. Please forgive me." Stop pretending to be nice psycho. Now that I think about it, I felt like I've seen her somewhere before but where. "Manami-chan, we're going to work as a team so let's start our journey." "Yeah! But how do we start our journey?" Okuda asked. "Simple Manami-chan, I came here with my partner in crime and we got separated because I promise to be stronger to protect him. It took me 20 minutes to leave so they might be around here somewhere." I explained.

"Good point Kayano-chan." Okuda thinks. "Come here, they we're here a while ago." I said while running to our destination. They we're gone, I thought of which way they went when Okuda pointed out a direction. "Right over there Kayano."

"How do you know if they went there?" I asked. "Kayano-chan, will you be my partner in crime for now?" Okuda asked. Woah! What the hell! That's really unexpected. Me and her being partners. "Alright but you better stick with me. I have a lot of enemies you know."

"Sure Kayano-chan." She smiled radiantly. I went to Manami-chan who is scanning and directing me on our next destination. I feel like I'm being left out and I want to stop this findings for a while. We we're on the street with stores and cafe are standing out. I heard a growl as I saw the menu of that one cafe. I was so embarrassed because Manami-chan notice it.

"Your hungry, right?" She asked. That was really embarrassing. "Wha- What are talking about? I'm not hungry." "Kayano-chan, there is no need to starve yourself. I'll treat you today." She said as she intertwined her fingers to me. Ah! What the hell! What is this?! This is my first time holding someone's hand. Are you kidding me?! I belong with Nagisa-kun. Yeah I like guys but this is.....

"Your so kawaii." She giggled. Kawaii!? What the hell! "Wha- What?! I mean- I don't think I'm that cute or anything...." I said nervously. "Whatever, lets just eat." Oh my god! I really want to let go. Manami-chan opened the door and we we're greeted by waitresses that are wearing a maid costume. What is this, cosplay?

"Good morning ma'ams, Welcome to Filles Mignonnes de Café." The waitresses greeted. "Good morning, girls." Okuda greeted. We found a table that we can sit and look through the menu. So many choices but I don't want to eat that many infront of Manami-chan. Why am I nervous around Manami-chan? Its not like this is a date......... What?! Stupid brain! What the hell is wrong with me?! Think about Nagisa-kun! My Nagisa-kun!

"What's wrong your sweating, Kayano-chan. Are you okay?" Okuda asked. "No! I mean... I'm alright I promise. I'll just order a croissant and a heart-shaped design coffee latte." I sweat drop. "I'll just have an espresso and a french toast." Okuda said while pointing it out.

We called a waitress to order our foods and waited for a minute. After eating a delicious meal, we payed for the food and walk our way out of this cafe when I accidentally bump someone really tall. "Watch where you going!" The tall man yelled. This man is... Akira Takaoka! Why is he here? "I'm really sorry...." I apologized hesitantly.

There was a chill on my spine when I saw the most murderous person looking for Nagisa-kun. If I kill him, Nagisa-kun won't be having a hard time right now.

"Kayano-chan, let's go." Okuda said. "Alright." But the reason I won't do it today is because Manami-chan is here. I promise myself that I will protect Nagisa-kun and Manami-chan for now on. Because they we're the first to open up my heart for them.

I'm glad I met you Manami Okuda.

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