33 yours in awe|| pt. 2

Start from the beginning

It felt so right that he forgot all his unwritten rules. Misstep all his calculations. Break all his defenses.

Living his life all over again was worth it. If this is supposed to be a sin then, what is righteousness? He'd rather be wrong and nameless than not have this.

"I've brought you a present," she said all of a sudden. She rummaged in the inside of her jacket and got something out. "Close your eyes."

Draco did as he was told, "Granger, if you want another kiss just say so."

She put something on both of his hands. "Open them."

He opened his eyes to see two small muggle shoes in the middle of his palms. They were black, with laces in the front, white soles and has a star logo on the sides. How peculiar. "Engorgio," Hermione pointed her wand at it and they become normal shoes. "It's alright if you don't want to wear them. I just thought of you when I saw them." For she remembered the curve of his calf when he plays quidditch but she will never tell anyone.

"I'll try them on right now," he winked. With shaking fingers he removed his dragon skin boots and put on the first of the shoes but tying them was another story. His fingers are not as adept while they are freezing. It felt like trying to catch air.

Hermione must have see the struggle. "Oh, Draco, you're hopeless. Swing your feet on my lap." She tied the laces together without difficulty. The muggle shoes are warm on his feet and strangely comfortable, he can even wear it to bed. He bets it will even look good with his silk pajamas, in fact, it will look good with anything and everything! Who's he kidding, he could make a potato bag look good.

"I can't wear this right now, Hermione. But someday I would really like to. Won't you keep the other shoe?" He asked. It was the right thing to do. They can't just start parading artifacts of their relationship out there. They'll be goners. "It's going to be just like that muggle tale. You know, Cindernilla?"

"Cinderella. But your pretty close," she giggled, nose already a bit red from the cold. He didn't remove his feet on her lap. He doesn't know when he'll get to wear the muggle shoes again or if she's willing to wait for that day. So he relished the moment even though he was trying his hardest not to tremble. The cold was biting, his head ached from it and the firewhisky.

"And I also have a present for you," he smiled. Things are starting to get blurry about what's supposed to have happened but he has to give her something. "You don't have to close your eyes," he said as he pulled it from his pocket. He gently put it on her outstretched hand.

Her eyes went wide as soon she saw what it was. "It's a Knight's Sacrifice seed!"

"Well, yeah." Draco said proudly at the dark seed with horned edges. It doesn't matter how he got it, but he got it in the end. It will beat all the flowers that has received and will ever receive.

"Who did you steal this from? Draco, it's not supposed to be in the syllabus until sixth year and I don't think you'd even be taking herbology come sixth year," Hermione closed her palm around it. "I'm taking this back to Professor Sprout."

"No, you wouldn't do that! I bought it!" he lied smoothly. Truth is, he nicked it.

"But it was never theirs to sell anyway! It's school property! Someone stole this from the greenhouse stores. I'm sure Professor Sprout would be delighted when I hand it over first thing tomorrow," she turned her nose in the air.

Draco huffed, his breath came out as a white puff, "Ever the teacher's pet, are we? Just hand it over. I'd give it to someone else." He reached forward and tried to take it from her. "Maybe someone will appreciate the effort and not snitch on me. Maybe I'd give it to the old catfucker Filch and maybe it will earn me a hall pass!"

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