Friday 3

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Heaving for breath, I tried to keep as silent as possible as I heard the demons coming closer. I hugged myself closer to the branch I was hiding on and hoped the others were safe. Above me Aqui was hiding between the leaves, almost camouflaged completely. I couldn't see the others. I could hear the thundering stomping of the demons that chased after us coming closer. They were almost directly under us. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, sweat began dripping on my forehead. Closer...closer...they stopped. They were directly under us, looking around and smelling the air.

They all grunted in a different way, before going a separate direction. I waited for a few moments, before hesitantly climbing down."what the actual hell.." Conor stammered, we all made sure the other were ok, before launching into discussion." Where are we? What were those things?" Ali said quietly. None of us knew, I didn't think. "Look, what matters is that we're all ok. We need to find somewhere safe to stay." I told the others. They all agreed, but we couldn't agree on which path to go on.After a short quarrel, we eventually decided to head to the high hills that towered over the forest. That way we might be able to figure out where we were.Together we trudged toward the hills, walking in a comfortable silence.

"oh! Wait a sec guys...take these." Aqui said while pulling out some small knives, handing us each one. "Dare I ask where you kept these?" I asked her, but she just grinned and shrugged."for protection, though they won't help too much." I nodded, and we kept walking. The trees blended into one another, and we never seemed to get any closer to the hills towering over us. After a few hours of slow walking, we all collapsed in tiredness."damn it, these legs were not made for walking."Aqui complained, and I detected a hint of sarcasm in her voice."hah, I know what you mean."April laughed back. I smiled."right, I think we should set up camp here."Peter announced. I shook my head."Peter, we're too in the open, it's dangerous. We should find some kind of cover and water supply." Lily agreed, pointing in a distant direction. "I could hear a stream not too far from here, lets turn back that way." We all followed her, I began wondering how she knew where a stream was, we hadn't passed the way we were going. Too tired to care, I shrugged the thought away.


Ok, hi, I don't normally write stuff under chapters, but I really hope your enjoying the story so far! I also wanna take this chance to introduce you to two absolutely amazing writers, also great friends of mine fran1234 and NatalieK2❤

Love you guys^^


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