[7:Coming Out]

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Flo's POV
We start to head out the door.

"Bye!" I yell up towards the counter and then we get outside.

"Everyone follow us!" Beth says cheerfully. "My house's up this way!"

"Okay!" Matt and I grin.

We start walking. After a bit Beth starts to run.

"C'mon snails! I live down here! It's quicker if you!" She laughs.

"BETH!" Tom laughs.

We run over a grassy patch so I decide to cartwheel.

"WOAH! THAT'S SO COOL!" Tom and Matt's jaws drop.

"Let me try!" Tom moves his hands about, suggesting that he wants me to move. He nails his cartwheel like a pro.

"I want to! I want to!" Matt jumps about in the cold. He attempts cartwheeling, but ends up rolling onto his side in fits of laughter. "WAIT! WATCH THIS!" He tries hand-walking but once again, ends up on ground laughter.

— — — — — — —

We finally arrive at Beth's house and Beth bolts upstairs.

"Well, FOLLOW MY CHILDREN!" She looks down at us from the top of the stairs. "Oh right yeah! MUM! I'VE GOT FRIENDS ROUND KAY?"


"KAY THANK YOU!" She smiles, then whispers loudly. "Come my children!"

We all giggle and quietly run upstairs.

"This is Mike's room! Mike's my bro by the way. He's cool! He has an eyebrow piercing!"

"Ooh!" Matt's eyes light up.

"And he's dyed his hair about seventy times since he left school."

"Coool!" Matt whispers.

"Let's go to the legendary bedroom!" Beth grins at Tom.

"No that's my bedroom Beth!" Tom protests.

We all go into Beth's bedroom and find a place to sit.

"Legendary huh? Ooh yeah Blink-182 poster!" Matt looks about.

"So Matt! What's wrong?" Beth shuts the door.

"Yeah! Why aren't you with Ellen and Chris and April and everyone you're not hanging about with?" Tom adds.

"Uuhh.." Matt starts to fidget with his hands. "Well, we.. We broke up.. She loves Chris."

"Wait! You don't mean April Harrison?" I move forward a bit. "You're friends with April?"

"Was friends with, though I wasn't really. She's a snob!" Matt says.

"Oh! I know that for sure! She bullied James and I, well, everyone did really, and so did a boy Josh! Oh, Josh was terrible!"

"But! Why are you taking it so hard!? You've broken up with loads of girls moved on quick enough!" Tom urges.

"Tom! Ne patient!" Beth gives him a stern look. "Go on!"

"The reason is.. I-ah, well.. I haven't. It hasn't- doesn't really feel right?" Matt uncomfortably shifts about on his seat. "I mean. For all the girls. It doesn't work!"

"But what made you break up this time!?" Tom asks.

"TOM!" Beth slaps him across the face.

"Ahah.. It's alright. I'm just gonna say it! Yesterday a coach passed our school. I was gazing about and I saw this kid staring out at me. A boy staring out at me! I looked back at him and we made eye contact." Matt looks at the door and swallows. "His eyes were so blue! Then Ellen came and hugged me but... I couldn't look at her. I-I didn't want to.. I wanted to look at that boy!"

"I saw that!" Tom says. "Then Chris went over!"

"Yeah! And he was a dick, as usual, flirting with Mel! So I went to the bathroom to sort myself out. I realised that... I.. I don't like girls!"

Tom's jaw drops. He quickly notices and closes his mouth again and forms it into a friendly smile.

"That boy made me feel good inside. He gave me butterflies! No girl has ever given me butterflies before!"

"So you're.." Tom looks at Matt. "..Gay?"


"And you think the boy was James?" I ask.

"Well you said about April and Ellen said the girl beside him was April so.. Yeah?"

He looks so relieved to have told us.

I've only just met him and he trusts me like I'm his best friend!

"Don't worry pal!" Beth pats him on the back. "Your secret's safe won't us!"

"Yeah! It sure is!" Tom smiles.



Éirinn xx

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