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Beth's POV
"Who'd have thought we'd find something like that?" I grin wildly at Tom. "In that forest!"

"We have to find that guy! What's he called again?" Tom's smile keeps getting bigger and bigger!

"I think it was something like.. James!" I remembered!

"Yeah but his surname!" Tom moans.

"Think yourself!"

"I am!"

"No you're not!"

"I am! Was it Bourne?" He side shuffles over to me and whacks me with his hip.

"Hey! Yeah it was!" I return the hip whack.

"Hey yourself!" He does it again.

"No way!" This time when I do it, he goes flying. I run to help him up.

"Ha! You're a dick!" He laughs.

"How nice of you Thomas!" I know he hates that name.

"Shut up! It's Tom!" What did I tell you?

"Okay then." I grin at him. "Thomas!" I start running.

"NO! I'm not called that!" He runs after me, laughing hysterically. We run for most of the way and by the time we get to the closest café we're panting really heavily.

"What.. What you getting?"

"A milkshake.." Tom takes a deep breath. "Marty McFly style."

"My chest hurts!" I laugh.

"So does mine, I'm so unfit!"

We both walk into the cafe and up to the counter.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" The girl, who looks about our age, smiles.

"Umm.. Could we have two vanilla milkshakes please and.." I look at Tom. He shrugs. "And two German biscuits please."

"Okay!" She smiles. "Wait, do you want your milkshakes.." She leans forward. "McFly style?"

"You like Back To The Future as well!?" Tom butts in.

"Uh-huh!" She looks around. "They'll be with you in a minute, I'm Flo by the way." She grins.

"Cool name! I'm Beth and that's Thomas-" I giggle.

"Tom! I'm Tom" Tom butts in again. Flo grins and walks into the kitchen. Tom and I sit up onto the stools infront of the counter.

"This place is more of a diner than a café." I look around.

"Yeah, they should redesign it like the one in Back To The Future!" Tom suggests.

"That'd be real cool!" I look about more, and see a boy from our school walk in. "And here comes out Biff!"

Tom laughs. "Maybe not him, but one of his friends."

"Two Georgie McFly milkshakes with two German biscuits!" Flo comes over.

"Thanks!" I smile.

"Thank you!" Tom says at the same time as me.

"Are you's two..?" Flo raises her eyebrows in a 'you're toghether right?' fashion.

"No way! We've been friends since Primary school!" Tom jokes.

"Eww!" I add. Just then, the boy from our school walks over to place his order.



You probably don't think this is getting anywhere but don't worry, the next chapter is someone else so you'll not be hearing anything else about what happens in the café until chapter.. Hmm.. Chapter 5!

Also the chapter names are a major giveaway about what happens in the chapter.

Byyee!! Éirinn x

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