I cleared my throat.

"Shut up."

We made our way out into the main room where the kitchen and the couches were, plus the massive flat screen. The carpet was warm under my feet but I couldn't stop shivering anyway, my teeth chomped down on my bottom lip to keep it from trembling. 

I plopped down on the couch and grabbed the heat pump remote off the coffee table, hurriedly switching it onto it's hottest setting before trying to relax into the cushions.

I sniffed again and then sneezed while Louis flicked the jug on. He chucked me a box of tissues and I thanked him quietly as the pulsing in my head went up a notch.

What fun.

"What the hell are you two doing?" 

 I turned to see a very sleepy looking Liam standing behind me without a shirt and very droopy eyes.

Louis shrugged and poured hot water into a couple of large blue mugs, "Niall's got the sniffles so I'm making him and me hot chocolate's."

"You say that as if it makes sense Lou, but it's two a clock in the morning and you both should really be in bed asleep, especially if Niall's not well." 

He looked at me and I just blinked in response. I zoned out a little, my eyes staying closed for awkwardly long.

"You right, Ni?"

"What? Yeah, I'm good," I rasped, stifling another yawn. They hurt my throat.

Liam sighed, "if you're already making hot chocolates Lou, I'll take one too." 

He sat down on the couch next to me.

"Okay, should we wake up Harry and see if he wants to join our early morning party we've got going on now?" Louis chuckled as he got another two mug out for Liam and added the water.

"I'm awake, you guys aren't overly quiet," came a tired voice from the doorway as a disheveled Harry appeared. His eyes were bright and awake though.

Louis waved him over, "come join us then, curly!"

"So what's with the gathering at two am?" he asked as he wandered over.

"Niall's sick."

 Louis answered as he brought a steaming mug of hot chocolate over to me, complete with a couple of marsh-mellows swirling around on the surface. I rubbed my nose on my sleeve and took it gratefully, enjoying the warmth in my hands.

"Niall's sick?" Harry repeated, looking at me sympathetically, "what's wrong?"

I couldn't really answer through the mouthful of marsh-mellow so there was just a kind of awkward silence as I hurried to swallow. It hurt a hell of a lot more than it should of.

"It's just a cold."

Back with the fucking croak. 

I coughed and took a sip of my drink. It was really good. Super chocolatey. 

Ten minutes later we were all bundled on the couch under what must've been a hundred blankets and drinking our hot chocolates. It was quite a tight fit but I didn't mind, the body heat was just another source of warmth.

My nose tickled suddenly and my face quickly fell into the infamous, unattractive pre-sneeze expression. 

I made a sound and held my drink away from me. It taken out of my grasp moments before the sneeze erupted and luckily because it would've probably just about hit the ceiling. 

My face was buried in the blankets so the sound was muffled but my whole body shook violently and the pain in my head spiked just like that, instantly turning into a full force pulsating head ache that kinda made me want to cry a little bit.

"Bless you!"

I rubbed my eyes and groaned, just wanting to sleep forever.

"Somebody hold me, don't knock my head or I'll cry," I mumbled, sounding like a needy five year old.

Without hesitation Liam tugged me onto his la[ and let me pretty much drape over him like another blanket. My knees were tucked up sideways and I'm pretty sure one of my elbows was jabbing him right in the ribs but he didn't say anything about so I didn't bother adjusting.

I remembered that he wasn't wearing a shirt and shit got awkward real quick but he didn't seem fazed and I soon realised that it was another thing I really couldn't be bothered with. All I cared about was the fact that his chest seemed to be radiating heat and his warm breath on these side of my face was kinda nice too.

"Do you want me to get you some pills Ni? Try and clear you up a bit for the concert tomorrow?"
"Do we have some?" I rasped.
"I've got some in my bag"
I jumped, Liam's voice was louder and closer than I expected and it gave me a fright.  I winced and covered my ears. My poor head was not having a good time.

Harry got up for the couch. 

"Can you get some ibuprofen too if you can find any?" I grumbled, squeezing my eyes shut. Barely an hour had passed and I was already feeling so much worse than I had been before. My throat was burning, my head was pounding and I kept sniffling. At least I was a bit warmer now though.

"Is your head still hurting?" Louis asked. 
"Yeah, it's worse," I complained.

"I'll see what I can do, hang tight for a few minutes and I'll be right back."

 Harry grinned and disappeared. Hopefully he'd come back fast.

"I'm really sorry you're not feeling well, Ni, it really sucks," Liam whispered.

"I agree, what if you can't do the concert tonight?"

"I'm going to have to, and I'll probably be fine by then anyway," I murmured.

"We'll get you feeling better, mate." Louis grinned and chuckled, "even if it means simply drugging you up until you don't even know what's going on."

"Sounds good." 

I smiled lazily as Harry returned with a bottle of water and some pills. 

After swallowing them down with a little trouble, I relaxed back into Liam's heat and closed my eyes, leaving my mouth hanging open so that I could breathe.
I don't think I've ever been as tired in my entire life.

 Louis broke the silence, "I take it were just crashing out here for the next few hours?"

"Yup," Harry replied from my other side, getting more comfortable against the arm of the couch.

Within the next ten minutes everyone was asleep. I was still awake, but it was okay. I was warm and a feeling a bit better, and also surrounded by the boys so I really didn't have anything to complain about.

Something short, because I haven't updated in centuries and I'm feeling a bit guilty

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