Chapter 5- Future's Hazy

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Chapter 5- Future's Hazy

She was fine. She would live, should I be happy or not? This wasn’t me, I don’t do good, and I’m not a happy person.

So what’s wrong with me?

I looked down at her as she began choking up the sea water, spitting out what she could. I turned her onto her side and patted her back roughly, before remembering it wasn’t the best way to stop someone choking. Luckily, it worked before I had to try and remember back to the days when I did my health & safety course.

She stopped choking and looked up at me, those blue eyes once again captivating me. She just continued to stare at me, so I decided to avert my eyes. I looked out to the sea but I could no longer see the mystery assassin. Why was he after her? Who was she?

“Why was he after you?” I asked, speaking my mind.

“I-I don’t know,” She spoke quietly.

“You must know! People don’t just try and kill you for no reason!” I exclaimed, suddenly frustrated.

“Are you Ethan?” She asked out of the blue.

I stared at her. How would she know that, I didn’t even tell her in the diner.

“Who are you?” I asked instead, ignoring her question.

“Belle… Are you Ethan?” She replied, obviously not wanting to let the matter go.


“He spoke of you…” She replied trying to point towards the sea. She was obviously talking about the man who had tried to kill her.

“What did he say?” I asked inquisitively.

“He said something along the lines of…If Ethan had done his job properly he wouldn’t have to do this. He said he had six minutes to put it right before something bad would happen in the future.”

I sat back on my knees. It had definitely been more than six minutes, but could I have brought myself to kill her anyway? There was something different about her and because I didn’t know what, I couldn’t move past and carry on. And how did that guy know who I was?

I stood up and shook my hair out in an attempt to get my hair dry. I began to walk back towards my car. Belle was beginning to make me wish I had never taken this job in the first place.

“Wait!” I heard her exclaim from behind me. “You’re just going to leave me?”

“Yes?” I replied.


“What am I supposed to do?”

“...Nothing, don’t worry about it. Bye,” she abruptly saidas she stood up and pushed past me.

To my entertainment, she appeared to be frustrated. Well, that was the first. I followed her as she walked back to the car park in complete silence. Once there, I headed over to my beautiful car and she just stood behind it.

“You’re seriously just going to leave? After it was your fault I almost died?” She asked questionably.

“Look, it’s my fault that you’re still alive, not that you almost died, you should be dead right now,” I replied in an outburst.

She dropped her gaze away, not being able to keep eye contact. I felt my anger turn to guilt as I saw I had hurt her. But where were these emotions coming from?!

“Well, I have to go,” I stated quickly, getting into my car. I saw her back away from the car and head towards a ford that looked like the one I had seen her crash this morning. I decided not to mull on her any longer, and go and grab something to eat. I knew a nice café a couple of minutes from here and decided a coffee was exactly what I felt like.

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