Chapter 3- Slip Away

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Chapter 3

After I had collected all the souls from both trains, I slipped into the wave of chaos that had been created around the two trains.

I blended in well, I think. I tapped on strangers shoulder’s, asking what had happened, and pretended to be shocked. Of course, I knew the most as to what as happened, because I was the only eye witness.

After about ten minutes, I felt I had made enough of an appearance to not be classified as a suspicion. I began to leave the group of people and walk through the woods.

I saw a nice Aston Martin parked about a mile away from the scene of the crash. My  legs had began to ache slightly, so I decided I needed to drive now. I quickly forced open the door, causing a loud alarm to go off. I wasted no time in slipping my striped paperclip into the key hole. It worked like a charm, and the loud, screeching alarm went off immediately. I carried this paperclip everywhere with me. It was the only thing that had been with me on the day I’d died...and then come back to life. It was the only memory I had of being normal.

I jumbled more with the paperclip, attempting to get the car started. After a minute, the engine roared to life, and the lights flashed on. I smiled to myself. This car was definitely an upgrade from walking which I’d had to settle for earlier.

Now, to get these souls off my hands. I turned into the road, writing down the name and area of the house I’d just taken the car from. I drove for what felt like hours. The sun had begun to rise in the distance, and the land slowly lit up beneath it. The roads began to get busier and the traffic became more and more irritating. 

I cursed to myself when I felt my car being hit from behind. I sighed. Didn’t he realise he wasn’t the only one in a hurry?

I pulled over on the side of the road, the car that hit me following suit. A man stepped out of the car.

The man looked like he was in his early thirties, and he was wearing a suit. I stared at him blankly as he started raising his voice at me.

“Why were you going so slowly? I wasn’t speeding, I was only doing 60. This isn’t my fault,” the man stated.

I walked around to the back of my car. Damn it, a dent in the boot. Luckily it wasn’t so bad it needed to be repaired. His car looked worse than mine, with a cracked light and a couple of dents.  

“And look at my car!” The man continued, turning his focus to his car. “It’s over ten years old! I can’t even begin to look at the amount of zero’s this Jaguar will cost for the bloody repairs you-” I put my arm up to silence him, and he obediently stopped talking.

“Hey dude, what’s up with your arm?” The man asked, gesturing to my arm.

I quickly retracted my arm.

“No need to pay for my repairs. I’m uninsured. Have a good day,” I simply stated, getting back into my car, managing to avoid his question.

I maneuvered the paperclip in the keyhole and the car started. I sped off, leaving the man stuck to the spot, obviously ticked off he couldn’t come up with a reason for me to have to pay for his repairs.

I glanced down at my arm, and traced the mark with my fingers. I kept one arm on the steering wheel as I began to reminisce about the mark. 

I had acquired it on the day I had been given this job of mine. After I had agreed to take his role and live, he had discretely managed to burn something on my skin. I was in so much pain that the burn somehow got lost in the middle of it. It was shaped like an oversized triangle. I never knew why he’d done it, or what it was there for. I guess it was just to make sure he wouldn’t lose me in the crowd if he got pushed away.

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