"Roy, this will be your guide." Mrs. Rozart told the dirty blonde bow with dark almond eyes that sat beside her.

"Hi." I tried to say energetically while forcing a smile. He looked at me, from the black of my hair to my orange converses. I didn't really like being stared at, so I looked elsewhere in hopes he'd leave me alone.

"Hey." He said with a deep yet smooth voice. Mrs. Rozard dismissed us and we were outside of the office.

"What's your schedule?" I asked trying to avoid allowing him time to figure me out. This boy was dangerous, he wanted to understand and he was curious... He handed me his schedule without a word.

PERIOD                      SUBJECT                    ROOM                        TEACHER

1                       Pre-Calc A.                         310                   Mr. Hein

2                       English 10                          223                   Mrs. Parkinson

3                       Art 2 A.                              345                    Mr. Anderson

4                       Chemistry A.                      116                    Mrs. Stein

5                       WH 2                                 217                    Ms. Blanca

6                       HPE 2                               100                    Mr. Gringle

7                       Latin 4 A.                          282                    Ms. Jin

He had four A. classes, meaning four advanced classes. It meant he wasn’t dumb. He shared three classes with me, Pre-Calc of course, then Chemistry and lastly HPE. I had both lunches with him. Our schedules were similar, except I have a few different teachers, my classes happen in different classes than him, and instead of Art and Latin I have Writing and French 4 A.

 “Do you know how the days are separated?” I asked watching him shrug. “ ‘A’ days are even classes days, you’ll have B Lunch because of Chemistry. And on ‘B’ days you will have all odd day classes, and C Lunch since you are in History at that time.” And I would be in English, which has the same lunch. Although that is highly irrelevant since I’ll probably not speak with him again. “Which day do you want to start off with?” I asked beginning to make my way to homeroom, gesturing for him to follow me.

“What day is it today?” He walked casually behind me.

“A day.” I slowed down my pace for him to catch up with me.

“Then start with that.” I nodded and silently took us to our homeroom’s entrance. Once we reached the door, I looked at his schedule once more but then said to him. “This is homeroom, you go here every morning and stay for about an hour.”

“I know what homeroom means.” He said, not really caring to give his voice any emotion. I sighed and took him to each of his classrooms, taking the fastest routes.

By the end of it we still had 15 minutes of homeroom; I started to panic. If I entered now, all eyes would be on the new kid and I. Attention was the last thing I wanted right now, people would pester me with questions and I’d have to keep pretending. But it was either that or 15 of socializing, I couldn’t decide on which was worse.

“Any questions? Or was my tour good enough?” I smiled at him.

“No questions…” He said. After a while he added. “Okay what the hell?” I stared at him confused. “Why do you keep smiling like an idiot if you don’t even want to?” He was very straight forward, and for the first time I realized his slight Southern Accent. My heart ached, it has been six years, seven months, five days, four minutes and maybe forty seconds since I last heard an accent like that.

“I’m sorry?” I asked realizing I was staring into space while going down nightmare lane. He looked at me for a few seconds.

            “What was that about?” He asked looking at my smiling face. “You can drop that stupid smile.” I frowned at him.

            “I just remembered that I forgot to do my history homework.” I lied; I finished it one minute and forty seconds after it was handed out.

            “Right.” He rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me. But before he could ask questions, the bell rang and I sighed with relief.

            “I have to go, class.” I said smiling. I walked over to my History class and waited for the other students to fill up the seats in front of me. I had to make sure to avoid further contact with Roy; he seemed determined to make my life hell.

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