The Honest Truth Only Hurts in the Quiet

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The kitchen staff was very sullen when I stepped into the kitchen and Mrs. Bellknap rushed over and pulled me into a very tight hug.

"We heard you were involved in all of that hullabaloo upstairs. Are you alright? You really don't have to work tonight if you need to just rest."

I pulled back and pinned a soft smile into place, "I'm alright. I'm just going to do my job and then get some sleep."

Her expression reflected April's, but after a while she nodded and left to make sure the dining room was all set.

I made myself busy with slicing up bread to serve before the meal and the cooks bustled around me, getting all the last minute garnishes in place.

Mrs. Bellknap came back into the kitchen shortly after, smoothing down her skirt and then fixing her hair. "Alright," she clapped her hands to get out attention. "Servers, let's grab those trays. Smiles on, heads high, good." She opened the door for us as the other server and I stepped through.

Everyone was already seated and I kept my eyes trained on the table as I passed out goblets of water.

"-That must have been so terrifying for you. I'm sorry that you had to go through that." The queen was saying as we entered, but I focused on my job.

"I am alright. Phillip was there to help me, and I'm sure Devon will come to his senses, he just needs some time to adjust." Raylen spoke softly, altogether in a far less confident tone then she usually spoke in.

"Yes, of course dear, but if not, well-"


Phillip's stern voice made me glance up. He was casting a warning look at the Queen, who feigned innocence and straightened a ruby ring on her finger.

"Phillip dear, I was only saying that if Devon was unable to adjust, then we could move forward with your union, that's all."

I started backing away and back towards the kitchen then, slipping through the door just as Raylen stifled a sob.

"A little tense in there tonight?" One of the cooks asked as I set down my tray and let out a sigh.

"Oh you could cut the tension with a butter knife." He laughed and slid a glass of water my way.

It was going to be a long night.


By the time we were clearing the plates from the third course, all the guests had settled into an uneasy conversation about politics, one that drifted dangerously close around the topic of arranged marriage as the queen kept pushing it that way. I had already fetched Raylen a handkerchief twice, trying to be as discreet as possible, but she was barely holding it together.

That was, until Lady Maxwell swooped in. She was dripping with red silk and chains of pearls that looked so heavy that they should've knocked her to the floor.

"So sorry I'm late, I was delayed by the most obnoxious of phone calls from the Prime Minister of the European packs. He is insisting that you clarify the state of Phillip's marriage and all the rest of this mess. Anyways," she settled herself gracefully in a chair after placing a chaste kiss upon the Queen's cheek, "I told him to mind his own business and to focus on the European Union positively falling apart at the seams. And he was not very fond of that." She halted in her tirade long enough to glance about the table before she lit her long cigarette thing that made her look like an overdressed Cruella DeVil. "What is ever the matter my dears? Why Raylen, darling, you look like you just found out you no longer fit in your favorite gown, what has you so distraught?"

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