All alone or.... So I thought

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Naruto: Ugh it's too early.

Naruto is awaken by his more then annoying alarm clock. He has it set for 8:00am because he's going over to see Kiba well the boy he likes ☺ over at his house today since all of Kiba's Family went on a big mission heck even Akamaru went along and left Kiba alone.

Naruto: Finally I finally get to be alone with Kiba! Oh how long I have been waiting for this moment.

Naruto doesn't have to be at Kiba's house until 11:00 but he wanted to get up early to make sure that he looks and smells his best. Naruto gets in the shower and lathers his blond hair in shampoo and conditioner and finishes by washing and rinsing his body with soap after all that It's 9:45 since Naruto likes soaking in the hot water and having it relax him. He puts on his best Orange shirt along with some nice stretch jeans and some sneakers.

(hey I know back then they only wore certain things but let's just use our imagination 😝)

Anyways, It's 10:30 so Naruto finally makes his way out the door over to Kiba's.

Naruto: Wow I'm really on my way to Kiba's right now someone pinch me.

And just as our hyperactive knuckleheaded ninja says that someone does more then pinch him he falls on him 😂

Naruto: Hey who's dumbass had the-

Before he could answer that he notices the certain red marks on the guy's face he bumped into.

Kiba: Naruto can you ever watch where you're going?

Naruto: Me watch where I'm going? YOU bumped into ME. And, you're telling me to watch where I'm going? Alright that's nice.

Kiba: Naruto I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. I was just coming over to pick you up beacuse you were taking forever.

Naruto: Kiba it's only 10:40 and your house is litteraly up the damn block.

They both stand and argue for a while before finally Kiba gives in and walks with Naruto over to his house.

Naruto: Wow Kiba this place is amazing.

Kiba: Thanks I know. Anyways, Naruto who's your Valentine?

That damn dreaded question was asked. Naruto is just really wanting to give Kiba the face like "Uh hello single as shit here"

Naruto: I don't have a valentine because I'm single Kiba. I've been single for the longest now. Soooo do you have a valentine?

Kiba looks at Naruto like "I know you did not just ask me that"

Kiba: Well Naruto it looks like we're in the same situation. I'm single too but I've had a crush on this guy for a long time now maybe you can tell me how to sweep him off his feet.


Naruto: Kiba what would I possibly know about how to sweep people off their feet? Maybe if you tell me who he is I can help you.

Kiba is now blushing like an idiot the slight pink just so happens to show and It's easy for Naruto to see.

Kiba: Well Naruto it's

Well Naruto didn't see that coming. As much as he likes Kiba he really didn't see how anyone could fall for him. So he just sat there happy and confused at the same time.

Naruto: Kiba y-you really like me like like me like me in that way?

Kiba: Yes Naru I really do ever since the first day I met you I've always liked you but now that I known you for so long I feel like you would be the perfect one for me sure you're clumsy and unorganized a bit of a slob....

Naruto: Alright puppy boy I get the point.

Kiba: Oh let me finish. You're also very funny you're kind and really ahem.. Cute 😋 But there's one time in particular in which I can never forget. Remember that time we were training in the fields and you feel unconscious cause of the heat?

Naruto: I believe so anyways what about it?

Kiba: Well Akamaru and I were walking by and we saw you like that. I honestly don't think I blushed any harder then I did that day. But anyways I grabbed you and put you on my shoulder and brought you over to the hospital. I liked having your skin touching mine. It made me feel good. And also I left you a note. Did you ever read a piece of paper that was in your coat?

Naruto: Huh? What piece of paper? Naruto digs in his jacket and pulls out a piece of blue paper. He begins reading it.

Dear Naruto,

I saw you on the fields unconscious and all so I took you to the hospital. Sometimes I swear you over do it but hey maybe that's just something I love about you. Anyways I want you to be mine but I'm not sure you'll feel the same way.

From: K

Naruto: Wow now I feel so dumb for not finding this shit sooner.

Kiba: I feel dumb for not telling you in the first place. But hold on I got something for you.

Kiba runs upstairs in his room and gets these little boxes for Naruto. Naruto looks at Kiba confused and curious as in what's in the boxes.

Kiba: So my little fox you wondering what's in here? Well open them up.

And he does just as he's told ripping up the wrapping paper like a young child he opens all the boxes up. One contained some Cds by Avril Lavinge and some others Like Nightcore and other stuff. Another had the cutest animal plushies. And the last one had a special Vulpix plushie that Naruto just fell in love with.

Kiba: So Naruto would you be my boyfriend?

Naruto just throws the plushie and jumps Into Kiba's arms. He kisses Kiba and nods his head yes. Naruto finally has the love of his life. I told ya the boy might crave him too 😝


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