Chapter 1-Back Story

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There is a cabin in the woods to far from anybodys knowledge, only two people know about it. They are two parents, well your parents. They are crazy, but you only know this from flash backs. You get them at night, honestly you hate getting them. It hurts your head, and it makes you depressed because you dont even know them. When you where a baby your mom was wanting to put some sort of bloode in you, not like himan bloode. Im talking about elf and unicorn bloode, crazy right. But she was trying so hard to put all those bloodes into you, but your father stoped her. Well...tryed to stop her, she put 1/4 of elf in you, which lets you have these vivite flash backs. Befor your mom could put anything else in you your dad took you away. He went to a road and took off left. After a while he went into a house, a normal house in a normal area. But what wasnt so normal was the closet. He went through the back and into a pich black room. Bot a room a hallway, a never ending hallway. There are no light in this hall way, but your dad seams to know where everything is. He runs right this time, after a while he sites down to let the baby rest ( baby is you). "SSSSHHHH!!! Its ok Y/N, daddys here. I will always be here..." your father said with tears filing his eyes. That was the last time you ever saw him again, because in that cery moment a gun went off. Shot him in the chest, then come running down is your mom with a gun. She tacks it and shoots her self three times. That day was the last time you would see your dad, mom, or even world.


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