chapter 1

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18/07/2012- starboyblog

hii, its Hoshi Ko and I've decided to make a blog about the new case I've just been assigned with. His names Oikawa Tooru and today he realised that he's in love wi-- wait I should probably introduce myself and tell you exactly what I do first. So first of I'm a cosmos messenger or in simple terms I'm an alien; nonono not the kind of aliens depicted on TV and t shirts and stuff, I look just like a human but more childlike and weird I suppose. Anyways, all cosmos messengers work for a higher power(basically a god in your eyes) and we simply warn people if they are going to disappear due to liking something or acting a certain way. We try to help the poor souls the 'gods' have decided to punish/play with. Back to Oikawa-I think I may call him our star-he became my new case as the gods decided to grace him with the gift of not being allowed to fall in love. This is unfair, yes I know, but the gods do what they want and NO ONE can change their minds but hey, it's not as bad as you think like yeah, you have to leave the earth and everyone behind but you do turn back into the very thing you are created from-stardust or if you are exceptionally lucky you can become a cosmos messenger. In any case, I should probably shine some light on the topic:

Oikawa has been in love since he was 6. Well to specify it more, I knew Oikawa fell in love when he was 6, he didn't realise until he was 14. The person in which our star fell in love with would be none other than his best friend Iwaizumi Hajime. Oikawa is a strange case and what we are calling an 'exception' to his fate- he should have disappeared the day he first started falling for Iwaizumi but for some reason he didn't, his combustion clock just started ticking very slowly and has been for the past 8 nearly 9 years. However, when our star realised his feelings for his friend nothing about his clock changed apart from the occasional faster ticking whenever the love became more obvious to the young star and so I decided to pay 14 year old Oikawa a visit to warn him of his fate.

Just know that even though we cannot fully stop your combustion(exaltation), we can delay it and we do try to stop as many as we can because in all honesty, the sky has enough stars as it is and earth needs more.

You can imagine the surprise on the 14-year-old's face when I appeared on that life changing September morning. The sun was peacefully breaking through the mountain-filled-horizon disturbing the brilliant shades of blue and lavender that painted the sky; the air was thick and the clouds indicated that rain would soon fall--. Wait, I've just realised I'm rambling and I should probably just let the story flow on its own. Bye for now, I'll try update this blog regularly~

p.s. happy 15th birthday in 2 days Tooru~

--Oikawa was awake and admiring the sunrise when all of sudden, a dazzling scarlet spark came floating down to his windowsill and exploded into what seemed to be nothing for a minute until a boy, who appeared to be the same age as him, materialized. The new boy in the room stood an inch taller than Oikawa and had white hair and very pale complexion that contrasted with his large black orbs for eyes. Just as Oikawa was about to ask who the strange child was, a terrifyingly soothing voice spoke, "hello, my name is Hoshi Ko, and I have come to you today to tell you about your downfall."


"Earth to Oikawa, I repeat, Earth to Oikawa."

A whisper. Nothing more, nothing less but it still managed to have his heart do back-flips, but Oikawa ignored that thought just like he ignored his heart going 90 mph. That's all he could do. Well, it's all he could do if he wanted to be around for longer.

"Don't fall in love," spoke the young boy-who identified as Hoshi-as he got off the windowsill, deciding that standing was a much better option than being perched awkwardly where everyone could see him, "I know you have already Tooru, but if you want to be on this Earth for your twentieth birthday, then you'll listen to my warning when I say you'll be nothing more than a distant memory and a star, literally, if you fall for Hajime anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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