Chapter 2

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Once we had arrived at the statue I noticed it was of a tall man with a peculiar looking face, I shivered at the sight of it him. Two large sunken eyes, a pointed nose and a pinched mouth set into a hard looking face. Chloe looked at me and shrugged when I asked who it might have been.
I turned away looking round the small square and spotted a little store that must have been the local corner shop. There were few things in the dark and dismal window. To my right I saw a large grey bricked building which looked extremely out of place here.
Beside the doors a white sign read 'B&B'.

"Oh look it seems like we might have somewhere to stay. Let's go and see if they have any rooms available."

I followed closely behind Chloe as she confidently strode ahead of me.
When we reached two large black wooden doors I saw a silver plaque beside a hanging basket full of flowers. I couldn't read what it said because the words seemed to be scratched out.

As we entered it seemed eerily cool and quiet. It didn't at all seem a friendly and welcoming place to stay for a night or two. The walls were completely white and the floor a concrete grey. A few rugs lay here and there and several pictures adorned the walls.
To the left of us was a small reception area but no one sat behind the desk. I stood in front of it and saw a large notebook full of names. I began to read through it and realised the names seemed unusual. I hadn't seen any names like those except in old books.

"Come over here and look at these photos." I turned away from the book and followed to where Chloe stood.

She was looking up at a black and white photo which hung on the wall. A dozen people stood in a line. There was something strange that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Half of the people wore white uniforms whilst the others were in some kind of jacket.
Suddenly from behind a hoarse voice asked

"Can I help you young girls?"

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